Thursday 16 June 2016

Refugee Week June 23rd - Meca Munt Druitt Face Book Page

Meca Mt Druitt's Profile Photo
Meca Mount Druitt is inviting the community to a Refugee Week Community event on 23rd June, 10am Bowman Hall, Campbell Street Blacktown.


Thu 10 AMBowman Hall, Campbell St Blacktown

My parents came from oversees, one as a refugee and the other came from normal channels, so I understand the importance of having "Refugees" in our country is and how the mood swing with what the perception of today's refugee is.

As I always ask when  everyone is standing, let the true original Australian be left standing.

I suggest you go to Meca Mount Druitt face book Group and add yourself as a invite

1 comment:

Adelaide Dupont said...

"Normal channels" like immigration processing?