Polling Booths Around Mount Druitt On 28th March 2015 - Conversations and People!
As I'd traveled around booth to booth, I found h happy candidates and former NSW State Members. It was a beautiful day to hold a NSW State Election and some booths had voters queuing for periods of time.
We had former NSW State Member for Rooty Hill, Mr. Richard Amery at Rooty Public School. Rumors were that Edmond Atalla, Labor Posters placed over 2 two Olivia Lloyd, Liberal Posters (without asking her Polling Staff), because the Liberals had 'Prime Position' for the posters on the fence first and the Labor party wasn't happy with that and wanted an enquiry table under the questionable sign. I must admit it looked 'unprofessional' but that is the kind of things that happen on 'polling day'! I must admit Mr Amery appeared like he was running for re-election - he was well dressed!
The was queuing at Polling Booths and this occurs at times when the Polling Booth Staff take morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea breaks as explained by Mr. Richard Amery. The queues reached outside the gate, some people could not wait and said they would come back, they had to be back by 6pm, otherwise there is that $55.00 fine for not voting.

Then there was Candidate Olivia Lloyd, Liberal candidate for Mount Druitt with Ward 4 Councillor Isabelle White at Minchinbury Public School. It was amazing the young person handing for 'No Land Tax' said she would be voting 'Liberal' - probably just helping out someone else.
At a different Polling Booth, former NSW State Member for Londonderry, Allan Shearan (in the background) was handing out for Councillor Edmond Atalla, Labor candidate for Mount Druitt (now elected) - not assisting Londonderry State seat - that is politics!
And here we are at Dawson Polling Booth.
It's funny, when you hear rumors that a when the Labor Party see good Liberal supporters, they try to coax them in joining the Labor Party. With the Party machine the Labor Party has, you would not think it needs more members.
The Labor Party machine had former Federal Member for Chifley Roger Price and his son, Ben Price as scrutineers at Colyton Public School.
It's also funny, no one has coaxed myself to join any party and yet I won't. I have handed out for 2 different parties before and current, but like everyone else, I share positive views on behalf of the community and what I vote, I reserve my right! What I will say is I was a scrutineer at Dean Park and I enjoyed it - other
scrutineers were very polite and respectable!
This is an example of scrutinizing votes look like:
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