Tuesday 24 March 2015

Why Do We Have Signs In Other Languages - We Should Be Teaching People English - If Not!

I have noticed that there are some businesses within Mount Druitt where their store sign is in English and then advertising in different languages, which I don't understand! Everyone, including and especially myself knows about our multicultural society!

The intriguing thing is, if we permit this to keep this happening, we will end up with the majority of the community not going to these shops. It feels like these shops are specialising products to one part of the community only. Mount Druitt needs to remain having English printed shop signs only.

Shops are for the general public and community to use and if anyone has problems reading English then suggestions are to take up English classes, so signs on shops are read easily. We have a lot of new people in the community, a majority do speak English! So why not our shops remain advertising their business in English!

If I migrated to another country, I would expect their shops to be in their language and I would take studies and learn that language!

Maybe Blacktown City Council can look into this and report back to us? Or the community could explain to us!

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