Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Rooty Hill Residents Require Finalisation of Pedestrian Crossing To Train Station - Lack of Yellow Paint!

It is amazing to see that how when check for detail in our local community, there are missing items. Whether there is something that may not appear right or seems incompleted.

The other day, as I left Rooty Hill train station, I noticed there is something to the naked eye that is unusual and incomplete. Very simply, the concrete islands that have been placed from the Rooty Hill train station landing steps- south of North Parade - has a pedestrian access way - but the crossing is omitted.  There is a lack of 'Yellow Pedestrian Crossing Paint'. Maybe after years of previous decades of local Mayors of high expenditure, the local important issues have been forgotten or we can't afford the 'Yellow Paint!'

No warning signs for motorists to be cautious of pedestrians. It appears that 'health and safety'  of this pedestrian access way is not important to stake holders.  I bet this has been like this for years. If this is planning for future - this is the future and should be rectified, immediately.

Lets hope that it doesn't take time to get this issue fixed up.Community needs completed jobs! We expect  Blacktown City Council, to place this high on their agenda of the bureaucratic terminological of 'Work in Progress'!

Rooty Hill RSL Overlooks Required Pesdestrian Crossing on North Parade!

Rooty Hill RSL is a major community club, that  provides entertainment, accommodation and exercise facilities for the community. It has in the recent years updated their premises to accommodate for the growing community with quite a few facilities, inviting and attracting members of he community.

In its planing catering for these improved facilities, it has neglected to care for the pedestrian and public transport bus commuters that catch buses from North Rooty Hill and set down at North Parade, Rooty Hill (Opposite the multiple story car park).

North Parade Bus Stop, Rooty Hill
The road is dangerous and can be a threat of health and safety, to the general community, when crossing the road. Commuters also catch the bus to Mount Druitt in the return trip to Mount Druitt. The main entrance at Sherbrooke Street, Rooty Hill has a pedestrian crossing, so why should another entrance, be neglected? No reason!

We ask Blacktown City Council to provide a pedestrian crossing, as requested to provide a safer community!

Public Tranport From Face Book Member - Come And Join Us!

Our face book page, I have neglected to update (at times) and  will keep you posted on important comments from community members. This is the search title to the face book group if you want to join:
And here is a great comment from a local community member, who
 catches both trains and buses. I think there is always an issue with cleaning the Mount Druitt Bus Interchange and a great suggestion for a looping bus service. What do you think?
Ron Vorbach Public transport for local is reasonable. The interchange could use stronger and a lot more frequent cleaning. A direct shuttle every 10 to 15 minute loop between Westfields, Shopsmart and Big W would be a big plus.

Mount Druitt Commuters Still Need Improved Public Transport!

As an old blogger on the Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement Group Blogspot,  I have made a personal decision not to publish blogs, due to differences of opinions of the members of  the group. I gave my personal time up to create sut ofch an interaction with the community, which it received high praise in the NSW State Parliament, thanks to largely Mr. Richard Amery, Hon Member member for Mount Druitt and Mr. Ray Williams, NSW Parliamentary Secretary to Transport.

Lester Pasley, Secretary Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement Group Inc. has advised from their recent visit of  Blacktown City Councillor Edmond Atalla, candidate f or the NSW Seat of Mount Druitt and Pru Car, candidate for the NSW seat of Londonderry that issue commuters  still having and the group has been lobbying since it first started.

Here they are, as quoted by Lester:

1)      Whalan - Gasmata Crescent
Divert the Route 780 Tregear only bus to travel via Gasmata Crescent to restore a full time service removed in 2009.  This service currently runs along Luxford Road.  Gasmata is currently serviced by the Route 674 Windsor bus which is part-time service.  Gasmata was serviced by Routes 766 – 769 from 1966 to 2009 when they were abolished without replacement bus routes.

2)      Bidwill – Chestnut Crescent and Manifold Road
Restore a full-time Route 761 and Route 762 service to Chestnut Crescent and Manifold Road.  Route 762 was abolished in 2009 and Route 761 reduced to a part-time service serving Chestnut Crescent only.  Manifold Road was serviced full time by the Route 762.  After 2009, a part-time Route 755 between Shalvey and Plumpton is the only bus service on Manifold Road.  Bidwill had a full-time bus service from 1976 to 2009 when they were replaced by these two part-time services.

3)      Mount Druitt Hospital
Divert the Route 754 service via the hospital grounds restoring a service removed in 2009.  Visitors and staff currently get off at Luxford Road and cross four lanes of traffic to walk to the entrance of the internal road going to the Emergency Department.  Mount Druitt Hospital is the only hospital in Western Sydney without a bus service.  Westmead, Blacktown and Nepean Hospital have a bus service at their doorstep.  Mount Druitt Hospital was serviced by a bus route from its opening in 1982 until the bus service was removed in 2009 without replacement.
4)      Mount Druitt Shuttle Bus
Over 2,000 petitions received from residents.  Introduce a shuttle service around Mount Druitt similar to the CBD shuttle in the Sydney CBD and the Parramatta shuttle in the Parramatta CBD.  See the attached map for the proposed route.  The petitions are now with Clr Jacqueline Donaldson for presentation.

As we indicated at the meeting, these services had operated for nearly 40 years and they were removed overnight in 2009 without consultation.  David Campbell was the Transport Minister at that time and he kept pointing to the new cross regional services that were introduced.  While we appreciate being able to travel to Penrith, Windsor and Blacktown on these new services and don’t want them removed in the future, we also need our local buses to take us to Mount Druitt which is what most residents want.

So, you can see there are still current  public transport issues that need to be looked into, inclusive of the restoration of the previously removed in 2009, bus service 755,by the then NSW Labor Government.
If  you have an interest in public transport and you would like to join this wonderful group then refer to contact details on the blogspot of Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement Blogspot Inc

William Mason Reserve Needs 'A' Rating For Clean Up Or Get Community Involved!

It is amazing how some of Blacktown City Council's Parks and Reserves have certain rating for 'Clean up'.  The ones that get used a lot have a lower rating.

I understand how each community member is responsible in leaving public amenities in the same condition as they first saw it. Not all the time does it happen! Maybe Council need to rethink their strategy with higher demand required of 'Council Clean Up'. 

Here is a few things Council can do to assist the community members of North Mount Druitt, after the community notifies our Local Government Area Under NSW EPA Protocols
  • Organise as soon as possible a clean up of the park
  • Organise a community awareness program in the park, Council Officers with NSW EPA Officers
  • Organise an Open Day Clean  Up - involving the community, in peak times, maybe with a small reward for work involved of issuing of community involvement certificates or even slight reduction in Council Rates!
    So, you can now see that an immediate cleanup is due or should I say, overdue! Let see if Council changes its strategy! As this is going to a storm-water drainage system, the cleaner the water, the cleaner the environment!

Monday, 29 September 2014

What's Happening To Leaning Street Light - Potential Health & Safety Risk - Plumpton!

Well, we are starting to get the community involved to notify 'whyilovemountdruitt', necessary changes, so the relevant authorities making wonderful improvements no matter how big or small, within the community

In saying this, we understand that 'Council Officers and Councillors' may not have the eyes to see these changes. They might be looking at the bigger picture.

So Raza, a community member from Plumpton has provided a situation that is unusual but makes him worry of every day community health and safety.

You will notice that in Perrin Avenue, Plumpton, there is a public street light post that is leaning at more than a slight angle. I noticed in the picture, it is as straight as you can get it. The main issue here is so obvious. If  by chance, this public light post was neglected for a longer period of time and it fell damaged/destroyed private cars and injured or caused death to any community member, how would the authorities feel. 

I'd say it has been leaning for years. It makes you wonder if relevant authorities do audit checks on their public street lights, maybe last audit was passed by them!

We request Blacktown City Council to monitor and refer to relevant authorities,  to attend to it as a major priority of possible high risk. Lives should not be placed on 'risk'.

We also thank Raza for bringing to our attention and look forward to know how quick this problem is resolved.

To the wider community, we invite comments, thoughts on this blog and other published blogs we have. If you have any matters, you would like raise with us - e-mail us with your issue, description of the improvement required and any photos or videos. We are getting results for the community.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Last Blade of Grass Rolled Out At William Mason Reserve, North Mount Druitt!

We have final rolls of grass laid out on the sides of the new public path way 'whyilovemountdruitt' has been advocating for  proper change and improvement, with the non-involvement of  new 'Chewing Gum Mayor' Stephen Bali, Ward 4 , Blacktown City Council.

In time, the grass will join  the main fields of grass and will blend naturally. The community will enjoy walking, jogging and running on this new public path way. Rate payers money has been well spent on this park and not put to bad waste yet.

'Chewing Gum Mayor' Will Be Mayor For Part Time!

A lot of people would love just to have one job! Some other people can't find a job and when they do they get mostly get full time casual work as over the years of unions fighting for 'workers rights'- workers rights won - yet employers day-by-day cannot keep full time employees on full time employee wages. I know I was a member of union paying subscriptions many, many years and when I needed help the union came and went!

So our two job Unionist 'Chewing Gum Mayor' thas more to chew on. Most elected Mayors of Blacktown are either pensioners, retired or take a year off from work. If I ever would be elected as a Councilor (which I wont be and do not want to be), or even elected office of Mayor, a prestigious position that needs to be taken with high dignity and pride. Not to be shrugged off as a part time job and keep your own primary job. Maybe the  new Mayor maybe able to donate his Mayors income to the poor and needy at least in ward 4. Well he is getting a second income!

What do you think? Here is the article from the Blacktown Advocate this week:

Picture: CARMELA ROCHE As the new mayor of Blacktown, Stephen Bali wants to consult the community more.


BLACKTOWN’S newly appointed mayor Stephen Bali says his top three priorities are to reduce the infrastructure backlog, increase community consultation and improve transparency in the council’s decision making.
Cr Bali said he also wanted to address the Mt Druitt pool issue, the sale of small reserves to build mega parks and start a process to revamp the Blacktown pound.
Cr Bali would be a “working mayor” but said he could balance his job at the Australian Workers’ Union as assistant secretary and mayoral duties because they were both flexible and focused on helping the community.
“Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a 24/7 type of guy,” Cr Bali said.
“My goal is to implement what the people want.
“The infrastructure backlog, which is a priority of both sides, if we can get a bit of peace and harmony in the chamber and bring some stability to the way council operates.”
But Liberal councillor Karlo Siljeg, who turned his chair during the new mayor’s first speech, said Cr Bali had personally abused him during debates and his behaviour was “terrible”.
“Why should I have to sit and listen to a bully when he’s having his lap of victory?” Cr Siljeg said.
“I’ll see how he behaves as chair. If he behaves the same way as he’s been as a councillor, God help us.
“I respect the position of the mayor and I hope he changes.”
The mayor rejected Cr Siljeg’s claims of bullying.
“Local politics is passionate politics, it’s closest to the people,” Cr Bali said.
“I do realise bullying in the workplace is wrong but he’s got to understand the rulings of the former mayor, too, who told him to toughen up.
“When you want to sell people’s parks and close their sporting facilities and childcare centres, people are not going to stand quietly by.
“We do have a duty to our residents and we defend the core beliefs of service and quality of life for our residents.
“I’m just hoping in the future we will have less of this in the chamber.
“It’s an unexpected opportunity and the fact that someone from the other side was prepared to support me. I want to repay that by doing the best I can.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Westfield Mount Druitt Advertisement Good For Unit Residents Only - Drivers On Road Hard To Read!

This is what is seen by residents living opposite the sign
I should be paid a large amount from Westfield Management for making an Advertising Managers observation that the large Westfield sign in Mount Druitt (on Luxford Road) can most be seen by residents living opposite units on Luxford road, Mount Druitt.

This is what cars see at night, coming from east!
 In fact , it has been like this for years, all they need to do is angle the sign facing North-East, Bingo! attracts more people to the add!

If they check the sign corner of Carlisle and Luxford roads, Mount Druitt. that is at a correct angle!

We will hope that Blacktown City Council, follows this up with Westfield, Mount Druitt Management.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Further Proof That 'No' To Blacktown City Council Merging!

Following on the 'No' from myself for Blacktown Merging
 with other other Councils, further figures have been made to support this 'No'

1st Merges Savings of Councillors & Wards
Woollahra                                 15            5
Randwick                                  15            5 
Botany                                        7             6
Waverley                                   12            4                      
Total:                                          49           21

Sydney City population           10            1

2nd Merges:
Lane Cove                                   9            3
Mosman                                      7             1
Manly                                          9             1
Waringah                                    9             3
Willoughby                                12            4                         
Total                                           35           12

So, if the Premier of NSW wants Council's to amalgamate/merge with others they can start cutting Councillors and Wards from inner city, north and south east Sydney Councils. Personally if we had Population of Councils would be 40,000 - in our area we would have 8  or more Local Government Area's within our area. The areas could be Mount Druitt,  Rooty Hill, Doonside, Riverstone, Seven Hills, Blacktown, Stanhope Gardens, Plumpton.

I thought as population grows, we need more food and water, more housing, education, medical services, more shopping hubs and more local government areas, to make more decisions for the area to cater for growth. We should not go backwards when the population is going forward.

 Click here for previous blog

Blacktown City Coucnil Aware Of Hole In The Ground - William Mason Reserve, North Mount Druitt!

I noticed the other day how there was another hole in the ground in William Mason Reserve, North Mount Druitt, towards Methven Street.

Then, I noticed this week that there are barriers placed around the hole to prevent any possible accidents to the community. Three cheers for the Council officers

that had done this straight away. I don know why the hole is not filled up. There must be a reason to it. I'm sure our wonderful Council Officers will inform us (the community)!

If you see any holes in the ground, cracks, lumps or bumps on path ways, let us know and we will publish it on our blogspot.

e-mail us on nsjpas@gmail.com

Former Lethbridge Park Community Member - Has Great Memmories - Face Book Group!

From whyilovemountdruitt Face Book Group ,
there has been a response from a former community member, providing a brief insight to the history of Mount Druitt, until 1981.

It is great to get local history from former community members or even current community members.

"I lived at LETHBRIDGE Park on Luxford rd for nearly 12 years before that I had friends in old Mt Druitt long before it got big .i'm talking 1962 and boy look at now the stories I could tell.Back in 1962 there was not a lot there the main housing area was between the hi- way and the railway line ,a level railway crossing where the old shop's are and the train station the platform could only manage 2 rail cars , there use to be a car racing track on the north side before they started on the new estate . mt Druitt was named after Major Druitt who had a land grant from colonial times ,I moved from LETHBRIDGE Park in 1981 so I don't know what the area needs are ken".

Join our face book group to make a difference in our community, no matter how small it is as it could be a great improvement towards our community!

Cyclists In Rooty Hill Need More Bicycle Racks!

As the community grows and Council Officers are looking to plan for the future of communities of public transport and general transport within Rooty Hill, there seems to be a bit of neglect or oversight to render the situation for cyclists who park their cycles next to ramps leading to Rooty Hill train station.
There a SydneyTrains Biker locker hire at a current cost of $50.00 for 3 months. There are 4 lockers on both North and South Rooty Hill, 4 on South Mount Druitt and 8 at North Mount Druitt. I also think Council consider daily secured biker locker hire for 1 day (coin slots maybe a $2.00 per day) and provide bike racks as a temporary meassyure.

Also promote the Sydney Trains Biker locker hire on the Blacktown City Council website, indicating where these are available at Blacktown City Council train Stations. This is a matter of importance!

North Mount Druitt Community Member Requests More Ammenities At William Mason Reserve, North Mount Druitt!

The other day I spoke to Faisal from North Mount Druitt. He was impressed with the path way improvements in the area and especially in William Mason Reserve, Mount Druitt.

He has given special thoughts and as he sees children from all cultures play cricket in summer in the southern ground of William Mason Reserve, North Mount Druitt, what Blacktown Council could provide to these children is a cricket pitch, giving them  more amenities and access to play cricket properly.

In winter time, Council could provide soccer goal posts, so that gives a chance to play a winter sports as well, is his suggestion. These are very favorable amenities that is need to provide improvements to the community and progress towards a great community to be proud of.

We will see if the the new major new Mayor of Blacktown City Council and other Councillors, will assist the community of North Mount Druitt like the previous Mayor of Blacktown City Council has, Mr. Len Robinson. The new Mayor, Mr. Stephen Bali is a Councillor representing Ward 4, yet lives in Doonside - Ward 4 stretches from  Mount Druitt to Blacktown, Eastern Creek and North to Glendenning and parts of Doonside.

This is the area that Faisal is talking about!

Friday, 19 September 2014

Merging Councils Proprosal - In Blacktown City Council - To Be Left Alone - Mount Druitt-St Marys Standard

Article from Mount Druitt-St Marys Standard (at the end of it my thoughts):


PREMIER Mike Baird has offered councils financial incentives to amalgamate. 

To try to convince reluctant councils to merge, the State Government has put $153 million in incentives on the table.
In what is likely to be a “carrot before the stick” approach, councils have until June 30 next year to voluntarily propose merger options.
Local Government Minister Paul Toole said the Government had “outlined a range of incentives both in terms of infrastructure and assistance with merging to provide better services to their communities”. 

“Councils losing a million dollars a day is unacceptable,” Mr Toole said. 

A Penrith Council spokesman said the Independent Local Government Review Panel this year recognised the importance of Penrith as a regional city. 

“However, the report recommended that regional and subregional alliances should be looked into,” the spokesman said. 

“Council has had preliminary discussions with Blue Mountains and Hawkesbury councils about working more closely together.”
Blacktown Council did not provide comment on the issue before deadline. 

Mr Baird did not name which of Sydney’s 40 councils were earmarked for amalgamation. 

The Government hopes the reforms will net $100 million in savings by cutting red tape and duplication in the 152 NSW councils.
Western Sydney director of the Sydney Business Chamber, David Borger, said mergers were the best chance for Sydney to manage growth and development. 

My thoughts are not what the current NSW Premier or Western Sydney director of Sydney Business Chamber asking for within Blacktown to do, which is the highest populated Council with Australia, currently as of 30th June 2014,  is 325,185. I do understand that General Manger's are remunnerated at a reasonable income, maybe paid higher than the Prime Minister and/or Premier. I feel in Blacktown the GM should be paid $2 per population per annum.

Before looking at increasing Blacktown City Council boundaries with other Council boundaries, we need to focus on the inner city and north shore councils, where there are currently 4 to 5 times the amount of Councillors representatives looking after the similar population that Blacktown has. This in effect places  more pressure for Blacktown Councillors to  work for their wider communities (and therefor may be under paid). 

My first suggestion of merging or amalgamation Councils would be as follows:

1st Merges: 
Woollahra population estimate ABS 2011               57,677  
Randwick  population estimate 30/6/14                 142,310
Botany       population estimate ABS 2011               39,355
Waverley   population estimate 30/6/2013                63,487
                                                                        Total:  302,829

Sydney City population estimate 30/6/2013            191,928

2nd Merges:
Lane Cove   population estimate ABS 2011                31,510
Mosman      population estomate 30/6/2014                29,983
Manly          population estimate ABS 2011                39,747
Waringah    population estimate ABS 2011              140,741
Willoughby population estimate  30/6/2014                73,155
                                                                        Total      315,136

Both Merges would still be under the current Blacktown City population and in Merger 1 population can be moved from Sydney of Sydney to make the difference, for example.

Now if the Premier of NSW can start off with this, then Mount Druitt area - part of Blacktown City Council, will be safe from merging or amalgamation!

I think I would have a majority support from all Blacktown City Councillors and community members from all over Mount Druitt and Blacktown Local Government Area.
With larger Councils some areas of the communities can be forgotten or even neglected, especially not well represented! So my strong answer is 'No'!

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Mount Druitt Train Station Signs Not Promoting Public Transport!

If the NSW Government wants to promote public transport why does it promote car insurance on bill boards: that's making people use cars!

This is one of my 'pet hates' in my life, even I was so young - I used to see it advertised on single and double decker buses, now alongside  both sides of Mount Druitt train Station. Maybe Blacktown City Council and Mount Druitt State Member, could look into this.
I'm not against advertising. Public transport billboards are vital to grow businesses or provide educational knowledge to the community as well as raissing funds for the NSW Government!

Rooty Hill Commuter Car Park Could Expand!

Rooty Hill train station has community members traveling stretching as far as Plumpton and Glendenning and Minchinbury driving there cars to commute to trains. It is a growing area and we look at the layout of Rooty Hill, we can see that it is a congested area and the current commuter car park, may now need upgrading to cater for the future growth in population  within the area.

If Blacktown City Council's plan 20-30 years ago for community planning and future expansion was implemented, it appears Rooty Hill North has remained the same for  many many years. What was the plans. You can see that  whilst there are many train commuters at Rooty Hill, lifts are still required and Blacktown City Council should be placing this as a high issue on there Transport/Traffic Agenda as well as planning  2-3 stories of Commuter car park on the current commuter car park.

Westfield Mount Druitt Crooked Signs In Car Park!

When you or anyone enters a major shopping center, you expect to see everything looking straight. Yet, if you don't try to see things 'eyes to detail', then you will definitely missed out on anything that doesn't seem to be norm.

Even I can miss things. In saying that lately, I am more alert. For most community members the issues that I raise maybe trivial or meaningless to them. If completely ignored by the community, then the relevant businesses and government authorities, will happily work on other work in progress. They could possibly ignore it as well. To me, everything should be straight and be looking straight!

After all that, look at the not so straight signs at Westfield, Mount Druitt. Soon then will fall:

We  hope that Council approve approach Westfield Mount Druitt Management and resolve this issue!

Independent Blacktown City Councillor Creates Confusion with Election of New Mayor - Imgaine If We Had 15 Independents To Electect Mayor!

Mayor Changes To Labor Independent and Blacktown City Council turns into turmoil in relation to further improvements that have been made as a progress under the Liberal Independent Local Government for the last 2 years, in Mount Druitt.

The *'Chewing Gum' new Mayor, Stephen Bali has been thrown into the deep end, when Blacktown City Council was trying to get out of the red, financially. Now Council, may go back into the red and never be self sufficient! Stephen is National Secretary of AWU Greater Western Sydney Branch. Now a Unionist running Blacktown City Council!

The new Mayor ran against Jess Diaz and won 8 votes to 7 in a secret ballot! I think it should always be a show of hands as this is a proper way to vote from your heart.

The Independent of Blacktown, Councillor Russ Dickens has now thrown a spanner into the works, by changing his vote 'at the last minute' as a measure of despair! I understand the there was an issue that Councillor Russ Dickens wanted to save 'Mount Druitt Pool' Had he asked the question to 6 Councillors of Ward 4 and 5 if they all swim at Mount Druitt Pool or not in each summer. Most probably the answer, would have been 'No'. And these are the elected representatives, from with the area.

I understand the Mount Druitt swimming pool issue, is a 'hot potato' to the local community, for the few that go there and swim! Especially when I walk past, which can be a few times the pool seems like it has low patronage and this is costly for the community, pipes have not been maintained. We might now see a gross in expense for maintain acne and the pool re-opened at a substantial cost to rate payers. 

Then we will wonder why the new may raise rates!  What gets myself with the opposition to the pool closure you have at least 2 local current and past members of State & Federal Members of parliaments involved in real estate sales and I am sure that these people are for improvement and developmental projects to increase housing for future population. One of them is selling multiple storey units right opposite the pool. I'm sure that when the time comes if the pool came available for future he median housing development  - they will jump at the first opportunity.

A radio interview with Mayor Len Robinson and also Councillor Stephen Bali on the Swimming Pool Closure. The radio announcer  an announcement that 47,000 people used the pool last year - if based on 4 months of the pool being opened that is 391.6 per day (based on 120 days). That results in approximately 49 people per hour ( if opened 8 hours per day) is at the pool at any time. For it to be enjoyed by the community it should be  at least 4 times that amount of people per hour!

Click here for interview

Imagine if we had 15 Independents to elect one Mayor? It would go on for days a be a shambles. Results would be hard to get. 

It appears Councillor Russ Dickens may have changed his vote (for what ever reason). I don't know his real age, but I feel that Councillors should have a retirement age of 65 years (when your 4 year term ends). I respect that Councillor Dickens has been in Council for a long time and my feelings are that younger people should be given an opportunity to be elected into Council.

I would hope that as a true Independent he will change votes when and if the new Mayor makes a slip. In the 2016 Blacktown Local Council Elections, there will be 2 Councillors that will not be running Councillor Len Robinson (Retirement) and Councillor Edmond Atalla ( As he may win the State Election due 2015) and I would assume Councillor Russ Dickens as a possible third one!

*Chewing Gum Councillor -  the reason he is called this in my books is that is what he does during Council Meetings! Which I think this is disgusting. Surely there are rules for proper manners. Will he chair meeting with chewing gum  in his mouth - ask him?