Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Mount Druitt Commuters Still Need Improved Public Transport!

As an old blogger on the Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement Group Blogspot,  I have made a personal decision not to publish blogs, due to differences of opinions of the members of  the group. I gave my personal time up to create sut ofch an interaction with the community, which it received high praise in the NSW State Parliament, thanks to largely Mr. Richard Amery, Hon Member member for Mount Druitt and Mr. Ray Williams, NSW Parliamentary Secretary to Transport.

Lester Pasley, Secretary Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement Group Inc. has advised from their recent visit of  Blacktown City Councillor Edmond Atalla, candidate f or the NSW Seat of Mount Druitt and Pru Car, candidate for the NSW seat of Londonderry that issue commuters  still having and the group has been lobbying since it first started.

Here they are, as quoted by Lester:

1)      Whalan - Gasmata Crescent
Divert the Route 780 Tregear only bus to travel via Gasmata Crescent to restore a full time service removed in 2009.  This service currently runs along Luxford Road.  Gasmata is currently serviced by the Route 674 Windsor bus which is part-time service.  Gasmata was serviced by Routes 766 – 769 from 1966 to 2009 when they were abolished without replacement bus routes.

2)      Bidwill – Chestnut Crescent and Manifold Road
Restore a full-time Route 761 and Route 762 service to Chestnut Crescent and Manifold Road.  Route 762 was abolished in 2009 and Route 761 reduced to a part-time service serving Chestnut Crescent only.  Manifold Road was serviced full time by the Route 762.  After 2009, a part-time Route 755 between Shalvey and Plumpton is the only bus service on Manifold Road.  Bidwill had a full-time bus service from 1976 to 2009 when they were replaced by these two part-time services.

3)      Mount Druitt Hospital
Divert the Route 754 service via the hospital grounds restoring a service removed in 2009.  Visitors and staff currently get off at Luxford Road and cross four lanes of traffic to walk to the entrance of the internal road going to the Emergency Department.  Mount Druitt Hospital is the only hospital in Western Sydney without a bus service.  Westmead, Blacktown and Nepean Hospital have a bus service at their doorstep.  Mount Druitt Hospital was serviced by a bus route from its opening in 1982 until the bus service was removed in 2009 without replacement.
4)      Mount Druitt Shuttle Bus
Over 2,000 petitions received from residents.  Introduce a shuttle service around Mount Druitt similar to the CBD shuttle in the Sydney CBD and the Parramatta shuttle in the Parramatta CBD.  See the attached map for the proposed route.  The petitions are now with Clr Jacqueline Donaldson for presentation.

As we indicated at the meeting, these services had operated for nearly 40 years and they were removed overnight in 2009 without consultation.  David Campbell was the Transport Minister at that time and he kept pointing to the new cross regional services that were introduced.  While we appreciate being able to travel to Penrith, Windsor and Blacktown on these new services and don’t want them removed in the future, we also need our local buses to take us to Mount Druitt which is what most residents want.

So, you can see there are still current  public transport issues that need to be looked into, inclusive of the restoration of the previously removed in 2009, bus service 755,by the then NSW Labor Government.
If  you have an interest in public transport and you would like to join this wonderful group then refer to contact details on the blogspot of Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement Blogspot Inc

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