Sunday, 21 September 2014

North Mount Druitt Community Member Requests More Ammenities At William Mason Reserve, North Mount Druitt!

The other day I spoke to Faisal from North Mount Druitt. He was impressed with the path way improvements in the area and especially in William Mason Reserve, Mount Druitt.

He has given special thoughts and as he sees children from all cultures play cricket in summer in the southern ground of William Mason Reserve, North Mount Druitt, what Blacktown Council could provide to these children is a cricket pitch, giving them  more amenities and access to play cricket properly.

In winter time, Council could provide soccer goal posts, so that gives a chance to play a winter sports as well, is his suggestion. These are very favorable amenities that is need to provide improvements to the community and progress towards a great community to be proud of.

We will see if the the new major new Mayor of Blacktown City Council and other Councillors, will assist the community of North Mount Druitt like the previous Mayor of Blacktown City Council has, Mr. Len Robinson. The new Mayor, Mr. Stephen Bali is a Councillor representing Ward 4, yet lives in Doonside - Ward 4 stretches from  Mount Druitt to Blacktown, Eastern Creek and North to Glendenning and parts of Doonside.

This is the area that Faisal is talking about!

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