Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Rooty Hill RSL Overlooks Required Pesdestrian Crossing on North Parade!

Rooty Hill RSL is a major community club, that  provides entertainment, accommodation and exercise facilities for the community. It has in the recent years updated their premises to accommodate for the growing community with quite a few facilities, inviting and attracting members of he community.

In its planing catering for these improved facilities, it has neglected to care for the pedestrian and public transport bus commuters that catch buses from North Rooty Hill and set down at North Parade, Rooty Hill (Opposite the multiple story car park).

North Parade Bus Stop, Rooty Hill
The road is dangerous and can be a threat of health and safety, to the general community, when crossing the road. Commuters also catch the bus to Mount Druitt in the return trip to Mount Druitt. The main entrance at Sherbrooke Street, Rooty Hill has a pedestrian crossing, so why should another entrance, be neglected? No reason!

We ask Blacktown City Council to provide a pedestrian crossing, as requested to provide a safer community!

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