Tuesday, 30 September 2014

William Mason Reserve Needs 'A' Rating For Clean Up Or Get Community Involved!

It is amazing how some of Blacktown City Council's Parks and Reserves have certain rating for 'Clean up'.  The ones that get used a lot have a lower rating.

I understand how each community member is responsible in leaving public amenities in the same condition as they first saw it. Not all the time does it happen! Maybe Council need to rethink their strategy with higher demand required of 'Council Clean Up'. 

Here is a few things Council can do to assist the community members of North Mount Druitt, after the community notifies our Local Government Area Under NSW EPA Protocols
  • Organise as soon as possible a clean up of the park
  • Organise a community awareness program in the park, Council Officers with NSW EPA Officers
  • Organise an Open Day Clean  Up - involving the community, in peak times, maybe with a small reward for work involved of issuing of community involvement certificates or even slight reduction in Council Rates!
    So, you can now see that an immediate cleanup is due or should I say, overdue! Let see if Council changes its strategy! As this is going to a storm-water drainage system, the cleaner the water, the cleaner the environment!

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