Monday, 30 November 2015

Busways Bus Drivers Advice For New Time Tables Yesterday!

A bus driver spokesperson has advised that when the time tables commence, there should be Busways representatives at the Bus Interchanges at Penrith, Mount Druitt and Blacktown on the Sunday 29th, explaining to customers the changes and making things run smoothly for drivers.

The spokesperson further advised that bus drivers get the brunt of commuters complaints, when these changes occur and this in itself can slow down journeys.

Another way commuters slow down journeys, is told in this true story that has happened to him: There is a family that has a family, right at the bus stop. One of their small sons waits at the bus stop, until the bus arrives. He then calls his father, who calls for his wife and she calls for her daughters. They reach one by one at the bus stop, then as they all arrive they haven't got the right change! This makes journeys/routes a longer trip as all this took five minutes!


Blacktown Public Transport Forum Report 2015

Image result for blacktown city council 

 MDCIGLast Thursday, I represented the people and public transport commuters of Mount Druitt and surrounding suburbs under 'whyilovemountdruitt' banner. First time that I had done that. In the previous 5 years of attending these meetings, I had represented the people and commuters of Mount Druitt and surrounding suburbs under the banners of 'Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement group Inc,' and 'Save Our Bus Services, Mount Druitt and Surrounding Suburbs'. 

The purpose that I have been asked honorably by Blacktown City Transport Officers, is because of my passionate cause to get proper public transport services and infrastructure within the area and ensure all stake holders are aware that there are community representatives 'are heard and have their say'! The greatest pleasure I have in these transport forums is listening, learning and providing general positive feedback the forum. If you have any interest in public transport and you can demonstrate a positive role you have taken on board within your local community, become an activist and  help the community.

Our Mayor, Councillor Stephen Bali, opened the Forum, providing the importance of planning in the future, listening to the community, stake holders presentation moving towards a positive future. He also touch on the Badgerys Creek airport, how it will affect the residents and community members of Blacktown Local Government Area, with planes flying low circulating above the air and close they will be near us. The Mayor touched on an idea where transit lanes could be considered on Luxford Road for buses. Interesting thought! This was a great entrance to be updated with the NorthWest Rail link update.

It seemed the NSW for Transport spokesperson had covered all areas of accessibility for commuters that  use wheelchairs and prams, to and from new stations. The Taxi Council representatives was happy that areas were being provided  with open discussions to assist with taxi access and stands. It seemed like this is feed back that was asked for at last forum.

We then also had a representative from Transport for NSW on the release of the new Bus Time Tables as from 29th November 2015.
Although the hidden agenda here is to streamline bus routes; to modernize and upgrade them (making them straighter). 

While the Busways 737 bus service is being replaced by another  bus service, a new bus service 723 traveling beside the Mount Druitt Hospital not inside Mount Druitt Hospital and the bus service 759, with part of the route excluded from previous bus route. The main issues raised was:
  1. Why not  use the 780 only bus service to Tregear along the route of the 674 in Mount Druitt. NSW Transport are not seeing numbers for community members bus to hospital.
  2. Why are buses traveling along south Mount Druitt head on a more direct route to Blacktown South, rather than heading north at Doonside and not covering the south of Blacktown.
  3. Willmott residents were not letter box dropped and therefor not notified of bus time table changes.
  4. The issue of late night and early morning bus services  Neglected on weekends: If East, North and South get it why can't the West get it?
  5. Also larger signs of "Smoke-free Act 2000" on Bus interchanges. Taxi Council Representative advised they can be contacted and the appropriate signs placed.
Then there was the Cycling Plan for Blacktown City Council presented by Nirab, Senior Transport Officer- where we are starting to see extension of bike routes planned for the next year. This is a step (path) in the right direction!

Then there was the Blacktown City Council, Integrated Transport Plan presented by Abdur, Transport Officer. It covered all that was previously discussed as well as new road projects, roundabouts and  other important improvements in infrastructure.

In summary that was it, except the members of the Mount Druitt Commuters Group Inc. have asked for feed back on getting the 780 only Tregear bus to  travel the route of the 674, in west Mount Druitt.

I further found out that  the time tables have not been delivered into the community as previously done as more and more commuters are using online applications on phones for time tables.

I must admit Busways must be applauded for providing a stand at Image result for Busways logo  the drop off part of the Mount Druitt Interchange, providing hard copy time tables to bus commuters. I do not know how often this was done, but if it was all day it would got the message across! 

Click here for Busways Blacktown Tables

Click Here for Council's Bike Plan Report 2015 

Click here for Blacktown City Council Integrated Transport Master Plan Report 2015


Blacktown City Brass Band Christmas Carols On Each Thursday Night December In Mount Druitt!

Our locally talented Blacktown City Brass Band are playing 'Christmas Carols', each Thursday night this December month until Christmas. 

You know this band, I have recorded over 40 songs (with their permission) and  they are easily seen on You Tube - currently over 4,000 visits on all songs: Start their playlist with "La Mer" - click here!

Bring yourself down and listen, let your children enjoy as well and  just close your eyes and live in your own dream world.

I wish they were playing at Mount Druitt Town Square just beside the Big Christmas Tree!

Mount Druitt Town Square Christmas Tree 

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Blacktown City Council People Of White Ribbon!

Image result for white ribbon
From Council's You Tube sight, I am pleased to announce how Blacktown City Council is on the forefront of  'Violence against women'! To me, there should be zero violence on everything. I commend everything Council is doing to raise awareness of this social issue and trying to change community members feelings to having positive relationship and respect of all women.

Published on Nov 26, 2015
A huge white ribbon was formed in Blacktown by hundreds of men and women wearing white, in an effort to highlight the scourge of domestic violence.

Hundreds of staff from Blacktown City Council will joined together on the Village Green, pledging their support for an end to violence perpetrated by men against women.

Blacktown City Council has been taking the lead on addressing concerning rates of domestic violence in Sydney’s west with a range of practical initiatives, including: the creation of domestic violence support leave; protocols to assist managers help staff who are victims of domestic violence; offering victims security
protection to and from work, along with changed phone numbers and work locations; free counseling; and special leave to attend court hearings.

The council has also emblazoned a brand new, $450,000 garbage truck with the message: “There’s no excuse for domestic violence. It’s rubbish.” The truck will become part of Blacktown’s regular waste management program, taking the message to the city’s 335,000 residents on a daily basis as it collects their bins.
Click here for Blacktown City Council Ribbon

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Strong Winds Pull Down Fence Alongside William Mason Reserve, North Mount Druitt!

Although it was extreme hot weather today as I was returning home by walking from a Blacktown City Council Public Transport Forum, when there  was also blistery medium to strong winds blowing around.

I was shocked to find that 2 Colorbond fences separating private property from the William Mason Reserve, North Mount Druitt, had been fallen onto the house on the private property and also ripped apart from the private property, exposing their back yard. 

Maybe Blacktown City City Council, visit these property residents, so see if they need and help or assistance. This is just a thought! I only suggest this as Blacktown City Council paint over these  fences, when it is full of graffiti.

Young Drivers Risk Losing Their Drivers License And Then Losing Cars - What Can They Do?

 my young days, passing a driving test and obtaining a drivers license was a privilege. It was the first step of breaking out of being a teenager (although you still were).

Although, I was not the best role model for my community at that time as much as I would like to have been, I've only had a few minor demerit points and fines applied to myself for mistakes made. Paid fines immediately and then learned from my mistakes.

Of many recent years, I do drive within speed limits as to each destinations I travel too. I'll try to keep within NSW RMS* laws: acts and regulations on road and road safety.

Today, to pass tests it is mostly online, then you have to complete 120 hours f driving as learner with a full licensed driver beside you. After you do your practical test, then issued with P1 and  P2, in due process.

This is called the fragile period for our youth, who take on this period as ruling the road and possibly knowing that they risk points/fines, by showing their peer groups of friends, 'They can do better then them! NSW Police are aware that generally the young can be a risk on our roads and issue demerit points/ fines applicable to the offense. It is once they lose their license, go to court to attend hearing. Then they start to realise they have made their life may fall apart. Difficulty in reaching home, work or educational facilities. 

Sometime, it takes our young people many times before they understand their responsibility in behaviour with driving, their responsibility to act and be adult to their family, friends primarily to their own local community.

Sometimes the young ones are paying fines more then they are saving money. It makes the NSW Government coiffures happy as the more revenue collected, the more the State can spend on improvements on all types of infrastructure. I don't know which hurts more: losing demerit points or losing money and paying back government?

Obviously, finance loss is one hurt, but if you lose your license as well as paying back fines, both hurt. Let's hope that the young drivers of today do not take any risks of losing licenses, cars or money to pay fines, they think of theses consequences first and act favorably towards our road rules and follow them to the best of their ability.

Click here for demerit point loss and fines 

*NSW Roads and Maritime Services

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Upgrades On Luxford Road, North Mount - Will We Get Our Pedestrian Crossing/Walkway At Westfield Mount Druitt Entrance?

A most of you know, I have been a strong advocate for road improvements on Luxford Road, North Mount Druitt for the last 2 years (and other roads as well). Luxford Road is a large circular road that can take you from Rooty Hill , through suburbs of Mount Druitt, Whalan, Tregear, Lethbridge Park, Shalvey, Bidwill and ending up up Plumpton/Oakhurst.

Here are possible pedestrian markings
If we become a silent community, nothing will be done! So creating noise, alarming stakeholders, making sure they get paid their money's worth is extremely important within our community. Some people advocate by contacting stake holders directly talking to them and/or writing to them. Blogging is my way of reaching out to the right people, that listen, learn, react and speak for, if they find it important to do so. They will then respond in their own time as some items of improvements may take time.
So it appears that we may get our pedestrian crossing at the eastern entrance of Westfield Mount Druitt! This has been the main focus for improvements has been and the greater feedback I have received from community members. That's why I took it on board!

Work has commenced as from 18th of this month, until completion.


Sunday, 22 November 2015

Becareful Of MyGov Joining Up!

Image result for My GovI have strong advice from an accountant that with the internet being used nationally and as it personally to open up accounts online, the secret of the internet is now be revealed.

What the government is trying to do is cut costs. Just think about it!

So the issue is that if you are opening an account with MyGov 
Image result for AToImage result for Centrelink 

you do not receive any postal mail to yourself or even to your tax agents that is if you link the account to the following Australian Government Departments: Australian Tax Office, Centrelink and Medicare.

Image result for medicare logoThis has been due to the cost of printing, the Australian Government incurs in sending out mail to all Australian constituents, in relations to matters raised. On the positive side, once you have joined MyGov to all other departments you can check all your accounts online and so can your professional tax agent/accountant!