Thursday 12 November 2015

Sydney Train Senior Management - Push Over Mount Druitt Train Assistants With New Information Hub!

As advised to myself by a Sydney Trains spokes person advised that the senior management of Sydney Trains have designed the  new Train station assistants new information hub without assessing the real risks and applied a Work Health & Safety Risk to a low rating of  'C'. This has been without consulting the station staff of Mount Druitt, which is important in the decision making process.

After a Work Health & Safety Work Cover Assessment, the risk rating has been raised to a Higher risk rating of 'B' and is now back in the thinking tanks of  the senior management of Sydney Trains.
The main issue is where the proposed information hub  for the station assistants will be prone  to potential accidents, with commuters running past and bumping of or over them. I wonder why this wasn't thought of first, by the senior management now costing commuters and Sydney trains more revaluation and reassessment time!

Click here for previous blog 

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