Monday, 4 June 2018

Blacktown City Council - Media Release - Tails Wag At New Dog Park

Description: Description: Description: BCC Logo 2007 Ver - Coloured - Outline Text

4 June 2018

Tails were left wagging following the provision of a new dog park in Ridgeview Reserve, Riverstone.
Blacktown City Mayor Stephen Bali MP said the dog park was a great addition to the community.
“An off-leash dog park is a great facility which will directly benefit the community,” Mayor Bali said.
“It’s an encouragement for the pet owners to go out for a walk, meet fellow dog owners and be part of the community.”
Blacktown City Council matched the $29,250 received by Riverstone MP Kevin Conolly to fund the $58,500 project.
“The off-leash area in Ridgeview Park is the twelfth dog park we have in Blacktown City,” Mayor Bali said.
“Council is keen on providing the amenities needed within the community and providing facilities such as this ensures we are continuing to meet the needs of residents.
Kevin Conolly MP said: “The NSW Government’s Community Building Partnership program provides an opportunity to support worthwhile community infrastructure like this off-leash area.
“Pet owners and their dogs will be able to enjoy this facility and the community will benefit from the fact that owners have a safe place to exercise their dogs.
“Council staff have done a great job in designing the park to meet user’s needs.”
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Blacktown City Mayor Stephen Bali MP, Riverstone MP Kevin Conolly, Blacktown Councillor, Moninder Singh
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Riverstone receives its first dog park

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