Thursday, 28 June 2018

Fostering Family Friendly Flats - .Id The population Experts

Mount Druitt is facing growth in housing as land is rare  becoming less available.  We are currently moving from low density residential housing is moving away in our inner hub to medium denisty housing.

Well, whether or not we like it, our population in Australia compared to land mass is low but in our cities it is very high. This is because our children are staying to live in our cities and Mount Druitt area, in general. Also, as new people move in from other countries, we need to find other ways than using up and building  up on extra land to house families. So, the solution is use existing land and build taller housing estates, where families can live in flats and units.

See if we can accommodate Fostering Family Friendly Flats:
Click here for post from .Id the population experts

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