Tuesday 30 May 2017

Willmot Bus Stops Clossures Can Be Prevented by Extrernal Cameras On Busways Buses.

So when we refer to the NSW Governments decision to close 2 bus stops at Willmot, just over a month ago, it came to myself a suggestion that may bring a bit of light into this subject and then ask questions.

So it appears as advised by a local community member that  Penrith Police have caught missile/rock thrower(s) in Penrith and they have been charged. It is lead to believe, it was the external videos cameras on a bus that have caught the missile/rock thrower(s).

The question rises, if that is the case, the same Busways buses travel in and around Mount Druitt, around Willmot and they carry external cameras. I would then say that Busways may have video evidence of anti-social issues, where the bus stops have closed at Wilmott. Then by providing this evidence to the NSW Police any person(s) involved can be charged and bus stops re-opened. How is that not happening, now?

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