Wednesday 17 May 2017

'Whyilovemountdruitt' Face Book Group Reconnects Former Neighbours

One thing I realised  while creating a  Face Book Group is the connection within members that can be reached  and I never realised the connection that can be reached for  contacting  former neighbours after community members leave the area. That is such a good thing that Face Book is good with.

Here is a story where a year ago a  post was made by one of our members seeking information of  community members living within our great Mount Druitt community. Low and behold  connects have made a year on.... after 25 years. Great News - great for everybody. 

Here it is:

Thanks to the post I made last year looking for Joe and Sheila Doyle who used to live in Mt Druit I have now been in touch with them after 25 years.

John Svoboda It is great to hear that you have made contact and connection with them - what it though our Face Book Group?
Elaine Denver Yes I think it was. Someone who saw my post got in touch with Joe and told him they thought I was talking about him. Yours was the only place I wrote their names. Great result thanks to your Face Book Group
John Svoboda That is great news and we really appreciate the positive outcomes our local Face Book Group can achieve - it is amazing it was done from within our small membership
Elaine Denver Ron Vorbach put me in touch with your group.I'll be back in Sydney in August and will be meeting up with Ron and Minda and Sheila and Joe who have moved to the country miles from towns.

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