It appears that due to community fears of pollution and health and safety issues to our very own Mount Druitt and surrounding communities, the Minchinbury Incinerator is now a bit of a 'Burnt Out'. There are many environmental issues that have not been addressed property as well as many other issues.
Here is the Media Release:
"Blacktown City Council is holding a special meeting tonight, beginning at 6.30, to discuss and formulate its revised position on the EfW plant at Minchinbury.
The report to council (attached) is recommending Council continue its opposition to the project, which is essentially a large incinerator burning waste to generate electricity across the M4 from the suburbs of Minchinbury, Colyton and Erskine Park.
The draft report (Click Here) also contains a detailed analysis of Council’s concerns about the proposal.
It is a public meeting, and members of the public have advised that they want to address the meeting.
Media, of course, are also welcome.
We will be issuing a release once the Council has voted on the report."
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