Good Morning Gladys Berejiklian
NSW Premier,
Congratulations on your to NSW Premier.
In Mount Druitt, you know myself as a former public transport and recently as a community advocate with both my website and Face Book Group of 'whyilovemountdruitt'. We, at times are neglected in the past because of our negative history that has been presented of our area. In fact our area is changing with growth population and we have a majority of our young and medium-aged community working hard to have family and make our community a stronger and educated community.
At present, we have faced situations where both bus and train commuters and bus drivers are under conditions that you wouldn't hear of our current day of age. We understand that after 25 years of releasing air-conditioned buses into our NSW Bus Region 1, we have still got many buses running around the area providing discomfort to both commuters and drivers (which could cause accidents). We as a community cannot wait until 2022, for the completion of air-conditioned buses as our climate changes and we reach more heated Summer periods.
I also understand the same situation maybe in other NSW Bus Regions or worse.
Personally, if you were to travel on an unair-conditioned bus, you would not feel that is just to pay the full Opal fare and increases we have just accepted.
On behalf of our community, I ask that you and the NSW Government provide a quick remedy to this situation and supply 100% air-conditioned buses in sooner time than 2022. We actually need them now.
The community is banding together behind this issue and would like to see a quick resolution to this matter. You only need to read comments on local Face Book groups and local Newspapers to understand.
I thank you for taking time, to read this message and request and would be quite happy to meet/discuss this issue in the future, should you desire to do so.
Published 28th February, 2017 online to NSW Premier
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