Wednesday 24 June 2015

Mount Druitt Police Provide Heavy Fines To Mount Druitt Cyclist For Being 'Light Headed'!

People tell myself things, which I then catergorize into important, non-important and sometimes forget. I think that is actually being human! Then the thought process is (if I have multiple blogs to publish) plan, create, type, edit and publish. Sometimes it could take myself minutes to do a blog, sometimes half an hour and the odd time hours after. That's why some blogs are published late night to very early in the morning.

So, to let you know why I am leading you down this path is because I have met a male community member, mostly on his bicycle. Just a few weeks ago, he had an expensive trip on his bicycle, riding at night, which he wanted to inform the 'whyilovemountdruitt' community. He told of this true event a few weeks ago, I forgot!

Here it is: he was fined $200 for not having an actual 
Image result for bicycle lightsheadlight, not having a tail light and not wearing a helmet while riding. In total $600.00 in one night, so this indicates that Mount Druitt patrolling police are making sure cyclists are obeying the rules as well as any other motorists and community members. The two funny things that occur to me from this is tonight I met him again. Guess what? If I was an authorised Police Officer, he would have been fined for the 3 same identical reason, secondly he is a car mechanic and it may have only costed him all up $50.00 to purchase those items and then attach the lights!
Image result for bicycle helmet
What I say is, 'When will people learn?' he is aware that he needs to attend to it and even promised myself he would. That would be up to next time I see him. So the lesson is: don't be lazy and not ride a bicycle without all fittings on Bicycle and your own head!

NSW Police are only doing their job and making the community a safer place to live in. Be aware if you are a local cyclist and you are not adhering to rules, you could be next.

The male community member, wouldn't mind if I called him, 'Light Headed!'

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