Thursday 4 June 2015

Debbie Higginson-Bradley - Mountt Druit Learning Ground - Why I Love Mount Druitt!

Today, we are promoting more 'Why I love Mount Druitt' to the wider community, inviting community leaders, community members, local politicians to tell us 'Why they love Mount Druitt!'

Why? Simply because it comes from each heart, for each person in and around Mount Druitt to tell  the true great story of why people live, work, visit and love the area. We all know in mind  how we feel, yet saying it for some people hard, yet for a majority of other people easy. If you do want to provide your 'Why I love Mount Druitt',  please send an email with first name, suburb with your response to:

So as we open wide invitations within the community, our first community person to respond is Debbie Higginson-Bradley, Mount Druitt Learning Ground starts the campaign going:

"I love Mt Druitt because anything I need is here and anything I want isn't too far away. The 11 suburbs that make up Mt Druitt are full of diversity and multiculturalism and we choose to work and live here. Its a choice to be happy where you are and we have the ability to make the most of what we have. And we have a lot right here. Embrace it!"

Click here for details of Mount Druitt Learning Ground 

Click for Fundraising event for Mount Druitt Learning Ground 

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