Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Opal Card In Mount Druitt Can Now Be Topped Up At Woolworths Mount Druitt!

As we find out that more and more of train and bus commuters are using the new 'Electronic Opal Card',  we are finding more and more businesses are now able to accept topping up of your card.

So the big one is Woolworths Mount Druitt,
so if you are shopping and want to top your 'Opal card', they are able to assist you. Although the sign may be hidden, it can be done.

A lot of people do not want to provide their  bank details and use it to top up, for fear of potential fraud. This is probably the best way to pay for it, if you have the same fear as myself!

 Click here for previous details of Opal Outlets Mount Druitt

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