There was no sealed windows, with on board air-conditioning. There was uncomfortable passengers, with sweat appearing on foreheads. hand and armpits.
Today, we have the same situation today, same train reaching Mount Druitt, 4.48pm and more commuters on train, with more feeling uncomfortable.
Dwayne has told myself, that he has seen train services with air-conditioned carriages in the front of the train and then non air-conditioned on the behind carriages.
We were told by Sydney Trains experts that Western Sydney get trains like this when other carriages are in maintenance service. So my question is twofold: Where are the spare air-conditioned train carriages that be placed to replaced the air-conditioned trains for maintenance service and does trains travel;ling to Eastern and Northern suburbs have the same replacement trains for air-conditioned trains being serviced?
In Western Sydney, Mount Druitt, we pay full fare and now I feel, our dares should be reduced and even given weekend fare-free weekends, like previously provided before last fare increase. We should take much more heat.
Let's hope, we don't get these silly excuses of other trains being serviced from NSW Government. They should plan ahead and prevent this happening.
If we talk bout the NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan 2030, which plans for public transport for 20 years in advance. This type of planning places us 20 years behind. We understand our local NSW State member is right behind us here and we hope that he drags this "hot" issue to NSW Parliament. Maybe, he can travel on the same train back to Mount Druitt and feel how it is.
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