Wednesday, 9 November 2016

JYSEP In Mount Druitt

Image result for junior youth spiritual empowerment program
It is good we have more 'Youth religious Groups' helping our youth, in getting onto the right road of life and give them the courage to grow and be stronger and better adults. Having a more positive outlook and vision of life, leading them into a better world they may have been going.

So it was with much pleasure that I spoke to a representative of the JYSEP - which is the Junior Youth Spiritual  Empowerment Program, supported by the 'Baha'is Faith', raising for a Bar-be-que and awareness of their program on last Saturday and Sunday at Town Square, Dawson Mall.

 As far as I am concerned any faith/religious organisation is great for the area when they are doing the right mission of correcting people's lives or assisting them in the right direction of life. What do you think?

Click here for further information on SYSEP

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