Soil Erosion By People Kindly Causing A Potential Risk To Community: Accidents To Pedestrians
Time after time, as people make man-made pathways and as each step is taken, towards the top of Shennan Walkway, Mount Druitt, the soil will deterioration and be eroded by mankind, Then it presents a potential risk, to the local and wider community, who use it as a common walk way.
I have suggested, in the past to join the straight walkway to the fitness "S" walkway (am I use this one), at this point and yet to no avail. The height of the footpath to where the soiled ground is is getting deeper and deeper.
What ever is done to prevent potential accidents, I hope is acted on as soon as possible and although, it may confuse the community hopefully they will find, it will help the community.
Personallt, I would like a sign on top of the "S" walkway and at the bottom walkway, indicating to the community that this "S" walkway is a fitness walkway preference. What do you think?
Soil erosion is defined as the wearing away of topsoil. Topsoil is the top layer of soil and is the most fertile because it contains the most organic, nutrient-rich materials. One of the main causes of soil erosion is water erosion, which is the loss of topsoil due to water.
useful information of erosion control and how can we prevent it.
nice and unique article keep sharing this type of informative updates
soil erosion definition
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