Sunday 27 November 2016

Another Few Wins For Sydney Alliance......For Asylum Seekers

As a former member of Sydney Alliance, it is please to announce some  of their winning issues, especially is asylum seekers:  concessional  pubic transport fares and access education at TAFE for free.

Now, I know a few of you may be saying what has this got to do with you, but we all  have come from different places around the world. Even my parents left their own individual countries after the second world war. Arrived in Australia legally, met in Sydney, raised a small family and owned their own home. They didn't face discrimination in education or of any other sorts but I do remember my mother going to night 'English' classes and I don't think they were free.  

So this is a good win for new Australians, coming illegally into our country from worn-torn countries, possibly starving  and lost families.  In Mount Druitt, I have met a former asylum seeker and was given  Australian residence. So, these people need to know what our all our governments, what they are doing for them.

Click here for Sydney Alliance Video

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