Help people every day is something is important tom me, whether it is be something small to me or means something big to them. Today, was like God was working as a "Good Shepherd", whilst while walking back home from church today, I saw an elderly lady struggling to walk along the pathway, at William Mason Reserve, Mount Druitt, heading to Meacher Street.
So, we walked up Notley Street and I was trying to ask her if she knew where this person lived that dropped her, she kept going about it is an old green car and he lived in a town house. I told how O'Brien Street is a long street and has many town houses and advise her it may be difficult to find him. Then her memory came back as we were heading west on O'Brien Street, stating that I was dropped there once before and we walk up the street the "old green car" appeared. She said I think this is the place, knocked on the door, spoke to the gentleman.
He checked his car - there was no key to be found. I suggested she might have lost her key on the footpath and suggested she try looking inside her hand bag. She looked and declared her keys aware found, apologised to both of us. I then said 'Don't worry, by the grace of the good Lord, he is looking after you!'
The gentleman drove her to her home and I walk back to my place.
The moral to the story is ' From the the Sacred Heart of The Good Shepherd, The Holy Family will always help'*.
* Three local parishes within the Catholic Parramatta Diocese within the area of 'Mount Druitt': Scared Heart, South Mount Druitt, The Good Shepherd - Plumpton and Holy Family Mount Druitt
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