Sunday 20 November 2016

Follow Up On Pedestrian Phase/ Walk Way - Luxford Road, North Mount Druitt

It seems that this is a dragging saga now. Where we have been  lobbying/ advocating for a pedestrian phase/walk way, on the Eastern side of Luxford Road. entrance to Westfield Mount Druitt.
Click here for previous post 

Sometimes, it is  hard to chase up items of improvements and follow up on progress on it. This improvement was approved by an officer from NSW Roads and Maritime Services, last year, on the basis funding will be covered by NSW State government.  Now I believe the new officer looking into this matter understand the need for  the pedestrian phase/walk way but is unsure why it hasn't  move on properly. It was told to me that Council is seeking fund s for the project and it is with an Officer with Blacktown City Council that is handling it.

After being told by a NSW RMS officer that funding has been approved, now they are saying being  Luxford Road, is a Council-owned Road - Council needs to seek the funds to complete the improvement. Yet, if it was a State/Federal owned Road it  propably would have been completed.

So, where does this place the community in jeopardy of possible accidents, leading to death. It seems a bureaucratic football. If one team has the ball and passes the ball to the other team and they just drop the ball - who picks up the  ball and scores the 'community goal'?

We are waiting for a response from either NSW RMS or Blacktown City Council, to see how much longer the community has to wait after being told that before that  by August 2016 we should have this improvement completed as advised by the previous NSW RMS officer.


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