Wednesday 20 July 2016

Curfew Pettion For New Airport - Mayor, Councillor Stephen Bali - Supporters Required

Sometimes when something means meaningful to you and is important you or I will 'Join the Bandwagon' and that is something I can do on certain issues. Actually, I do on most but some I keep to myself , let the community decide and then I'll decide with how the community responds.

Here is an important petition that Mayor, Councillor Stephen Bali has created as he is thinking not of himself of his constituents in Ward 4 and all people within Blacktown Local Government Area. I don't think he realises how he can move an opinion, thought of  something that is happening ans sway the  people to follow his leadership.

So  do you want planes flying 24 hours a day over your properties, when the airport is open? If you do you not  need to sign the petition - but if you do not then you do need to sign the petition, ask your face book friends to sign up, ask neighbours to sign up, families to sign up and even you friends to sign up. Spread the word so you  can enjoy a better lifestyle in area if there is a curfew.

I have signed up and  left my comments as I signed up. I was number 371, who will be next and we can make it more and more. Let us send a message to the appropriate authorities and support our Local Mayor.

"I believe although a major part of Sydney's population live in The West and outer west - people need the comfort of having ordinary peace and quite: families, businesses, churches, individual people need to sleep, have their rest and enjoy a quite peaceful life."

Click here to sign up on for Western Sydney Airport Curfew 

This is what happens after you sign the petition:

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