Your first impression on the right photograph is a wintery day in Europe, somewhere. No downtown Mount Druitt, in fact North Mount Druitt. I'd like to know what birds they are. I know they are some Australian birds. Let us know!
On the left photograph, you can quite plainly see, it is in Australia - may be in the bush. Well, 100 years ago this would have been all bush. This is Mount Druitt community. Send us your photographs of nature in Mount Druitt. There is a lot of beauty in Mount Druitt and we need to show it!
William Mason Reserve, Mount Druitt image of just waking up and seeing your own countryside land with a breath of fresh air.
Wow, did you realise that the white dot in this (right picture) is the Moon. Yes don't forget, this is early in the morning.
Does it look fascinating! Do you look up in the sky in the morning or do you walking sadly to your destination?
I always intrigued and wondering what each new day brings. I always smile and people may look at me and say ' What's wrong with him!' When there is nothing wrong! This made me happy today! Does it make you happy?
What do you know Mount Druitt has Pigeons. I heard them. I saw them and I took the picture of them And there they were. On top of this building, leading the to escalators to Mount Druitt train station. Do you like them?
Hire wire birds, we see birds all the time do this, but with the day time moon, in the far background, this feels quite serene! It looks like they are on a 6 lane sky way highway waiting for traffic!
Great to see a full Moon above the Mount Druitt Hub about 9pm at night. Doesn't this look fantastic
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