Wednesday 9 January 2019

Local Developers Road Pot Holes, Need To Be Addressed Immediately: A Danger To Our Community & Motorists

As we have a few Developers building multi-story buildings/apartments around the Mount Druitt hub, mostly in the south side of the railway line, there is a current major problem with some potholes on road being created.

Pot holes on roads can be extremely damaging to all vehicles travelling over it. I have noticed in the last few weeks in Durham Street, Mount Druitt, a major crisis for all motorists. It may not be known to our wider community, that this is definitely a community issue that if not fixed immediately, accidents may happen with possible loss of life and damages to vehicles and community infrastucture. 

Yesterday, I had seen workmen on this road, which I thought they were attending to repair the damaged road. Today I was wrong. The problem was left there and not attended too. Before developers came into the area - there was no road work issues around. Now this seems to a major issue.

The site is based on Durham Street between Carlisle Avenue & Nelson Street, Mount Druitt. Just around the corner from Mount Druitt village. This is the actual site ( left picture) that affects the community of Mount Druitt. Three seems to be a patch up job job done but not completed. The potholes are a severely dangerous and may cause accidents on roads. There is no warning sign(s) provided to motorists on each of the approach to these pot holes and now, immediate action is required to be taken. We will need NSW Roads & Maritime Services and/or Blacktown City Council, in providing safer roads at Durham Street, Mount Druitt.

I am not too sure what laws or bi-laws of Council, where they can impose financial fines or any other form of compensation  to Developers and be directly provided back into our community. We wait in hope for an immediate response to this issue.

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