Saturday 7 October 2017

Blacktiown City Council - Media Release - Candle Lit Vigil For Sarah Brown


06 October 2017

Blacktown City’s sad fifth vigil

A candle lit vigil will be held in Dawson Mall, Mount Druitt on Thursday 12 October from 5pm to mourn the death of domestic violence victim Sarah Brown.

The vigil is organised the Mount Druitt women’s support initiative WASH House and is supported by Blacktown City Council.

“This vigil to mark the violent death of Whalan resident, Sarah Brown at the hands of her former partner and is our chance as a community to stand up and say ‘Enough’,” said WASH House manager Debra Coulson.

“Sarah, a mother of five and grandmother of one, should never have died in this way.
“We invite all members of our community to join us to mark Sarah’s death and commit together to stop the violence.

“Together we can and will make a difference.”

The Women's Activities and Self Help House (WASH House) is a women's community resource centre that provides women with access to information and referral services, counselling and case management and a wide number of groups for health and wellbeing.

“Every Australian needs to be on the lookout for people who are domestic violence victims and take action to prevent violence in the home,” the Mayor of Blacktown City, Stephen Bali said.

“It is a tragedy that last night’s vigil should be the fifth to be held in Blacktown City since 2015.”

“Women across Australia are being killed by their partner or former partner every week on average.
“At least one in four women has experienced physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner since the age of 15.

“We must stand together as a whole community to end the silence and end the violence; in honour of Sarah Brown and all victims of domestic violence,” he said.

Blacktown City Council’s White Ribbon campaign supports the vigil in a bid to stamp out domestic violence.

As the only White Ribbon accredited council in Western Sydney, Blacktown City Council has supporting policies and procedures in its workplace and is lobbying the NSW Government to increase funding for domestic violence services.

“Blacktown City is working hard to send a strong message,” Mayor Bali said.

“We are joining forces with our citizens to create a movement against domestic violence and we call on other workplaces and local governments across the country to do the same.”

Lives lost since 2015:
·         30 September 2017:  Sarah Brown.  Former partner Russell Wood charged with murder and contravening a domestic violence order.

·         7 March 2017: Harjit Kaur, 56, found dead in her Glenwood home. Husband, Jagdish Singh, charged with her murder.

·         21 September 2015 - Mount Druitt woman Kirralee Dugo Paepaerei, 37, pregnant with her fourth child, found with fatal head and chest injuries. Partner Josh Homann charged with her murder and grievous bodily harm to her foetus.

·         8 September 2015  - Lalor Park’s Linda Addams, 67, and her grandson Brayden Rhodes, 7.  Linda’s son and Brayden’s uncle Lance Rhodes, 35, sentenced to maximum 40 years jail.

·         27 April 2015 - Linda Locke, 51, bashed to death in her Quakers Hill home. Partner Jamie Walker, 46, has pled not guilty to the charge of her murder.

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