Sunday 11 September 2016

Ron Vorbach's 'Whyilovemountdruitt's Creativeness - whyilovemountdruitt Face Book Group

Ron Vorbach is more creative than myself when it comes to making photos look serious but funny, bringing a bit of fun within our community. And why not have fun in a proper way?

Here is a photo of myself in Mount Druitt Train Station or am I? Here I am wearing my 'whyilovemountdruitt' cap and T-Shirt or am I. Here I am holding a Mount Druitt Train Station sign or am I?
 Here Ron is holding a Mount Druitt sign at Mount Druitt Train Station or is he? Here,  there is 'Way out' sign behind him  or not?

Here there is an engine locomotive  behind the 'Way out' sign or not?
What do you think of his great creativeness? Here is another one (on the right here)

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