Monday 2 January 2017

Be Careful And Check Any Bills From Centrelink -The Guardian

We have come to a day of age, where technology is supposed to be so precise and accurate that the ordinary person like myself and  yourself can be fooled and life changes.

So, it appears CentreLink is now sending bills for over-payments  paid to their customers  from 4- 5 years ago and trying to collect on them. Anywhere up to at least $24,000. To the innocent person, they might accept and staring a small amount for years on end. The discrepancies have been known to occur  from income details supplied to the Australian Tax Office compared to details supplied to the  Centrelink Office. One of the reasons is that her same Employer was recorde in 2 different ways to the different Agencies. It poicks up she she is work for two jobs when she is working for one job at one company, thus requesting for benefits paid to us, to be repaid.

The Opposition in Federal Government is requesting the Australian Government to call off sending these bills. I personally suggest that the 2 agencies should interact with  all customers information  between these agencies and all details would be  either match or cross-reference and then double checked. Then there is no reason for overdue debt letters being sent out. Undue financial stress, is not required to people that have honestly recorded the  their employment details and received any correct additional benefits.

 I ask that the Federal member of Chifley,  Mr Ed Husic, take a stand on this issue, when Parliament is next called into session. I also suggest that if anyone from our Mount Druitt and surrounding community, receives letters like this or knows someone who has,  please contact Centrelink to check their records with the Australian Tax Office. If any issues contact  your local  Australian Federal Member of Parliament.

Click here for The Guardian Story

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