Monday 30 January 2017

How Does the NSW Government/Busways Deal With Bus Non-Payers?

This is a good question, that I have thought of as it happened in front of my eyes today.

What or how does the  NSW Government or Busways deal with non-paying customers? It happens - they have no Opal Card and they claims they have no money and how does the bus driver deal with it? It is difficult when this happens as I feel all public transport commuters should pay for their fares. Why should I pay for fares and they are let off.

This morning there was a young lady that I noticed not far from the Mount Druitt Bus Interchange, appearing to be waiting for  someone, well dressed. I then headed to the 780 bus stop waiting about 15 minutes, until the bus arrived. Bus came, I swiped my card and so did another gentleman. Then came  the young lady that I previously noticed, screaming, 'I've been waiting for 3 hours and I'm not going to pay for fares.' She then just rushed towards the back of the bus.

The young bus driver reacted by saying she has to pay but what power does he have to make her pay - I think very little. He cannot fine her or has the power to do so.

As I returned to Mount Druitt from Emerton on Luxford Road, I spoke to a young couple,  pleasant speaking. When the bus came I offered them to enter the bus first and the lady young said, 'You can go first, we haven't got money and we have to explain to the bus driver'.

And so they did. The  bus driver then shrugged his shoulders as if to say 'What can he do?' and let them in.

So what can The NSW Government/ Buseays do, they could have a system that bus driver could alert the Bus Depot, who will inform the NSW Police and by the time the bus reaches the next couple stops the NSW Police would be there checking tickets and then dealing with situation. Otherwise,  I have no other suggestion here.

 What do you think?

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