For the community, we have had members of the community, promoting businesses, referred light poles to energy authorities to have a a pole straightened up in a Park, we have had logs removed from Parks, left behind from the storm, we are still in process to add a pedestrian crossing across Luxford Road, North Mount Druitt, we have had lights attended too at Dawson Mall, Mount Druitt, we have promoted the Mount Druitt Town Rangers Club, we have had pleasant comments about the blogspot posts and actions of, we have increased our Face Book Membership to 183 members from about 80, at the end of last year, We have Face Book Members provides events for the area, we have produce thanks to producer, Ron Vorbach, videos of 'whyilovemountdruitt' from a majority of candidates from Ward 4 and 5, Blacktown City Council, we have showcase through pictures the beautiful plant and birds we have in our local parks, we have posted details of an expansion of the Mount Druitt Train Station for an upgrade - catering for peak periods, we have lobbied for earlier and later bus services for weekends and late day night, we have promoted buskers at Mount Druitt and the Blacktown City Brass Band, I have attended the Blacktown City Council Public Transport Forum and reported to our community, we have record publish posts and visits to out blogspot (details to be published early next year) and the list goes on.
The only way to find out is to go through each post, throughout this year. On that notes, I would like to Thank a lot of people that make's Mount Druitt a reason to ask ourselves, 'whyilovemountdruitt'.
The first person I will Thank is YOU, the reader: whether you are a local community member and are interested in what is happening, within our community or a politician that what to know opinions or facts on subjects that affect our own community or whether you are a stake holder by means of a an Officer of Blacktown City Council, NSW Government or Federal Government. I Thank YOU, if you are a reader outside our community, whether it be intrastate, interstate or internationally living around the world and you are keen to discover how our community is improving with the success of this blogspot and the communication it provides. I Thank YOU, our local media representatives that call on myself for public transport and certain community issues in publishing stories.
The real reason I am doing this is not for a personal gain, it is to give an extra voice within the community, to stand up in the community and show what the real issues are and either stand up for them or against them.
S now I wish everyone A......
Click here for A Happy NEW YEAR 2017 Video - I would like to Share with YOU
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