Sunday, 30 November 2014

Update On Whalan Granny Flat - Vehcile On Foot Path On Sunday - Possible Fines!

Ever since I have lived in the area, cars were banned by Blacktown City Council, on pedestrian walkways and  footpaths. I believe there are fines Council can impose on the owner of the car, as I found it difficult to walk on the walkway myself.

I also thought that work could not take place on a Sunday, possibly noise pollution etc. Maybe  more fines from there, maybe the NSW Professional Building Board/ Blacktown City Council could look into these issues.

Back to the update granny flat - the granny flat will be so close to the walk way/foot path - close to rubbish been possibly thrown on the land and targeted at the building (I serious hope not!). If the pathway/ foot path was closed different story!

Mount Druitt Pool Is Now Opened By Mayor Stephen Bali - All Are Welcome To Use Facilities!

Yesterday was the day when the Mount Druitt Swimming Pool as re-opened by Mayor Stephen Bali. The day was a grand with warm temperatures and lots of people coming in for their free entry for free Channel 9 supported T-Shirts supporting Mount Druitt Pool.

Mount Druitt Pool Life Savers
Both my wife and myself were met with Mount Druitt Life Savers. They were so tall, I 'm sure with their long legs, they would be able to be  in a better position then Bondi Beach Life Savers!

We were provided with a raffle ticket and a ticket to a free sausage sizzle. Then as we walk right side we noticed a hill area, where patrons can pitch tents and enjoy a picnic style of leisure. This can be relaxing for all the family to enjoy. Yes, you can pick shade areas if you want too or just have a picnic there!

Various stalls were set up providing information of all kinds, including a First Aid Stall. I found the Council's waste information handy and I'm sure you would too.

There was even a young girl with her picture to support the swimming pool opening.
Being wet it really does bring the message across. 
I'm sure she is not by herself!

Former Blacktown Municipal Councillor Rob Buckwell, lobbied for the current site of the Mount Druitt swimming pool and took the motion for the Pool to Council in 1975, he won 14 votes to 1. He is very passionate about retaining the pool for the community and is proud the Mayor of Blacktown City Council is passionate about restoring a community amenity that important to his heart.
One of the reasons Rob thinks that the Mount Druitt Swimming Pool should be retained is that it is the best facility to accommodate School carnivals, within the area. An entire school could hold their swimming carnival and be under well cover roof shades as well as open areas. Emerton Pool was opened after Mount Druitt and has limited shade areas. He also claims it is convenient for patrons to get to, easy access parking and walking distance from Mount Druitt  bus interchange.

This is the medium size pool
Guests included, NSW, Labor Opposition Leader, John Robertson, Mayor, Stephen Bali, Councillor Edmond Atalla (Labor Candidate for NSW Seat Mount Druitt), Councillor Charlie Lowles, Richard Amery, NSW State Member for Mount Druitt, Prue Car (Labor candidate for NSW Seat of Londonderry), Rob Buckwell, Kerry from Minchinbury.

  There was amusements for the children and there is bar-be-que area, if you want to include this with your picnics.

I believe there was a Mayoral Challenge race put out to all Councillors. Councillor Karlo Siljeg and NSW Opposition Leader, John Robertson. I don't know who won, but I sure once I found out, we will let you know!


This is the children's activity playground also under construction!

Click here for previous blog on Kerry from Minchinbury 


Saturday, 29 November 2014

The Root Of The Problem For NSW RMS Phase Walkway Decision, Luxford Road, Mount Druitt - To Become A Positive Is..... A Tree!

So I am learning and learning more each day and I don't care if I turn 100 years and still learn (I'm already past the halfway mark).

With the 'Phase Walkway' proposal of improvements required at Luxford Road, North Mount Druitt, traffic light intersection  entrance to Westfield Mount Druitt, I now understand how Blacktown City Council cannot make a decision of this improvement by themselves. The reason being is Council owns about 80% of the roads, with Blacktown Local Government Area, which leaves the major arterial roads owned by NSW Roads and Maritime Services.

A Council spokesperson advised, 'That the traffic lights mentioned were approved on the old laws that only required one pedestrians Phase Walkway on the Western side of the major arterial road. In these days, it was most likely the area was low density housing. Since then, the North Mount Druitt area has changed to median housing developments.

At the same time, the population of pedestrians using pathways and crossing roads has increased, originally there may have been a need to place a 'Phase Walkway' on the western side of the major arterial road and  they used it to crossover to and from Westfield Mount Druitt.

New traffic light laws since has been introduced - for Phase walking to be implemented and constructed on all directions of the intersection. This new law does not cover previously constructed   existing traffic lights (old law).

So the number one problem to be fixed is new laws do not cover old laws which to my understanding doesn't make sense. Mind you I'm not legally minded person!

The other root cause to this improvement is there is a tree in the way of the Phase Walkway, and it has to be removed. The costs to cut down tree are too much for NSW RMS to consider. Yet, if the new laws were to have overtaken the old laws, then maybe the process may not have been left to  this current stalemate situation

I'm not  by any means a 'legal authority' but if laws change, then they should change so it covers existing infrastructure.

Where I am standing is directing the direction where the Phase would be placed missing the tree (on the left handside)
 This is on the Northern side of
Luxford Road, you can see how  the 'Phase Walkway' would not interfere or be in the way of the tree, (on the left hand side).

 We will seek RMS to reconsider their decision, through Transport Officers of Blacktown City Council who are also lobbying for this most improvement improvement. Maybe Councillors at least, from Ward 4 would offer their support and the Member for Mount Druitt Mr. Richard Amery as well. We will need as much support as we can get!

Click here for previous blog

North Parade, Mount Druitt - Median Fence - May Need Replacing!

It appears there is a median strip fence that needs replacing to make the area look more improved. This is based  on the opposite of the Mount Druitt Bus Interchange entrance.

It is not a critical that it needs to be addressed but the sooner it is attended too, the sooner the area looks better. It actually looks like it is as a result of a car/bus accident, maybe Blacktown City Council may be waiting for insurance claim funds from the person/people that caused the accident, so that they can attend to the improvement of the fence. If I'm wrong, it is a wrong guess. We really do not need to know what caused it, just need positive results.

I'm sure Blacktown City C ouncil will look into this matter and respond to this required improvement as soon as possible!

Friday, 28 November 2014

Proprosal For Free Shuttle Buses To Rooty Hill Australia Day Fire Works Events!

We come to a time to lobby Blacktown City Officers and Councillors for something that I have been so passionate about in promoting for many years.r

It has been done under the 'Save Our Bus Services And Surrounding Suburbs' and 'Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement Group Inc.'  banner!

The head of this improvement has not reached the tail yet and it seems to be resting in the stake holders minds. I personally think this is now to think, act, make that important decision so say, 'I agree' or 'We agree' and award this improvement to the Blacktown City community and residents.

In times where Blacktown City Council is collecting hundreds of thousands dollars of rates, from ratepayers: both business and private property owners, it needs to return to the Blacktown City community and residents services that can be complimented to get 'People' to Council events.
Former Blacktown Free Shuttle Bus in Blacktown

By now, some of you may have guessed what I am talking about. When this was first of by a prominent member of the community (not myself), I gave my full support towards this wonderful community improvement. Blacktown City Councillors and Transport Officers, State Members of NSW within Blacktown Local Government Area, we were notified. 

I will refer this important improvement to Blacktown City Council Mayor, Mr Stephen Bali and other Councillor's who want to make life easier, for community members who don't drive or prefer to leave their car at home.

All Blacktown City Councillors work for common good of the community and do what is best for the community and  may move this improvement to the 'Express Lane of Acceptance'. I am so much a true believer of everyone working to make 'good' decisions for the community, which is essentially vital for the community, above personal interests!

The improvement is so simple to do, it would make it more accessible for thousands of community members to get to a special Council  Event, held every year.

The improvement is for the Rooty Hill Annual Australia Day Fire Works event, held each year that Blacktown City Council makes provision for free Shuttle buses from all train Stations in and around Blacktown Local Government Areas to the event at Rooty Hill. It does sound easy, yet it would make a won
Next years Blacktown City Council Australia Day Fireworks Event does not include any suggestion for free shuttle bus at Rooty Hill. It may be that it has been swept under the door, for financial reasons.

My suggestion would be to try the first shuttle bus from Rooty Hill train station to Doonside train station looping service stopping at either side of Eastern Road entrance to 'The Rooty Hill'.

I understand this would be an extra cost to Council's budget for the Australia Day's Fire works. Not knowing the cost involved I do hope Council's Budget can allow for this.

I understand it costs $600,000 to run a free bus service in any community: including wages and maintenance! This is just a day event! If approved it would have to be well publicised.

I understand there is at least 25,000 attending this event, yet I feel it is more than 40,000-50,000 community member there!

Here are the event details

Event Detail

Australia Day @ The Rooty Hill

26 January, 2015

Start time: 04.00PM
Don't miss all the festivities at the Australia Day Concert and Fireworks, Eastern Rd, Rooty Hill from 4pm!

Family Friendly, Alcohol Free Event
Enjoy all the festivities of Australia Day 2015 at Council’s FREE annual Australia Day Celebrations on The Rooty Hill, including free amusement rides, an amazing parachute jump with the largest flag in the Southern Hemisphere and fireworks spectacular to close the event.
Featuring performances by

adam_harvey Adam Harvey                                      beccy_cole   Beccy Cole and
johnny_rollins Johnny Rollins!
There will be food and drinks for sale throughout the day! 
The Rooty Hill is a 10 minute walk from Rooty Hill Railway Station or can be accessed by car via Eastern Road, Rooty Hill. Limited parking is available; please go to Road Closures for more information.
Don't forget to visit the Plan Your Day page for healpful Health and Safety messages!

Event Details

When: 26 January, 2015
Where: The Rooty Hill, Eastern Rd, Rooty Hill

3.30pm: GATES OPEN on Eastern Road, Rooty Hill
4.00pm: VTribe
5.00pm: Johnny Rollins
6.00pm: The Kami’s
7.00pm: Beccy Cole
7.45pm: Parachute Jump
8.00pm: Adam Harvey
9.15pm: Fireworks Spectacular
9.30pm: Event Close

Getting There

The Rooty Hill is easily accessible by car or Public Transport. For detailed instructions on how to get to the event, see the maps below.

The idea is to make it easier for community members to reach the event and also allowing more access to get to the event. Bus shuttles could run every 5 -10 minutes and if Blacktown City Council  does want to run free shuttle buses from all venetrain stations within Blacktown Local Government Areas, then the incentive would be to give it a go as at Rooty Hill Train Station South and get the ball rolling to provide essential  public transport connections. If the Rooty Hill Free Shuttle bus is a success (which I'm sure it will be), then the following year, free Shuttle bus services could be extended to any two on the following train, and  so on: Mount Druitt, Doonside, Blacktown, Marayong, Quakers Hill, Seven Hills, Schofields and Riverstone.

Blacktown City Councillors should have got this wonderful idea approved 3 years ago, lets hope they don't let this go for
another 3-4 years.

I have had so much positive response if this happens, yet if it happens, there must be a complete blitz in advertising.

Blacktown City Council has got a 'General Meeting' on the 3rd December 2014, so this issue could be raised by then passed by every Councillor. Would that be unique and there would be no debate. If there would be a speakers against, those Councillors would have to reconsider their stance in the community as a councillor.

The benefits outweigh the negatives: the benefits -

  • community members in air conditioned bus
  • It's free
  • doesn't tire the legs
  • easy access
  • can bring accessories
  • hundreds of cars left at home and fuel savings

Click here for previous blogs

Mayor With A Vision I Met Yesterday And Yet I Swallowed Up And Chewed On My Own Words!

Mayor Stephen Bali and John Svoboda
Not all Mayors can accept criticism as has been from myself, but was gracious in accepting my apology for blogs published before. I actually found out that it was never "chewing gum" it is little lollies that is supplied to all Councillors at Blacktown City Council Meetings. I am now swallowing and chewing on my own words"!

After meeting the Mayor of Blacktown yesterday, Mr. Stephen Bali, there is a couple of issues we agree on and others we stand on each different side, yet this is done is great conversation. 

There is a backlog of $80M as listed in this year’s Annual Financial Report, under Special Schedule 7, he would like to reduce substantially by the end of his Mayoral term next year. This is where we both agree, that if these are not reduced it is harder for Blacktown to progress and make further improvements catering for future plans to cover growth rate of 7% that Blacktown is receiving.

Mr. Bali and myself understand that Blacktown City Councillors are under a lot more stress where with a population each Councillor is looking after on average 21,800 resident ans ratepayers. Mr. Bali proposed for consideration that with future Blacktown City Council elections, in each Ward there should be elected another Councillor - who is fully paid in replacement of the existing 3 part-time three Councillors has time to go around each of there community to attend functions, community events, thus having more time spent with their local community. After I spoke to Mr. Bali, My thoughts were these Councillors could  have a title of Deputy Assistant Mayors (which in hierarchy  is below Deputy Mayor).

On Badgerys Airport, why can't we have a curfew of 11pm-6am  for flights similar to Kingsford-Smith international airport. Which way will the flight paths be going. If East-West then there is the water catchment area at Warragamba - what effect will pollutants have from the planes themselves and then it will also affect Blacktown Residents. Why can't flights be increased from 20 to 25 per hour at Kingsford-Smith International Airport and  have heavy/cargo rail from Melbourne to Sydney to Brisbane built as well.

Finally, he is looking as community consultation on important decisions that Council  makes decisions on and next year invite the community/business to an exhibition of the financial year, show where the money is coming from and going. As I stated, 'Like a Shareholders Meeting!'

It seems like Mr. Bali has a vision for Blacktown City Council and will be as passionate as he can to place  Blacktown City Council on a great map of success, with the assistance of all Councillors and officers!

Click here for Blacktown City Council Annual Reports 

Click for some details on the Western Sydney Airport 

Click Here for my previous apology blog 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

The Big News: Mount Druitt Shopping Hub Has No Helipad - Mount Druitt Shopping Hub Needs One!

As the Careflight helicopter landed
This afternoon about 6.30pm, I was talking to a community member about the blogspot (at Shennan Walkway North Mount Druitt), and hovering above us was a loud helicopter that was head from William Mason Reserve towards Mount Druitt Westfield Shopping hub.

 One lady stated  thought the helicopters was going to crash, the way it was heading down.

It appeared there was a casualty, within the Mount Druitt shopping hub and it had nowhere to land. With Mount Druitt Police assistance - the NSW Ambulance Careflight helicopter had to backtrack to the lower grassed area of William Mason Reserve, North Mount Druitt. People were cleared off the lower flat grassed area of William Mason Reserve, North Mount Druitt.

The community crowd started to build up along the walkways as hundreds appeared to be watching the event. It appeared from witnesses that a Paramedical was escorted by a Mount Druitt Police vehicle,  drove off leaving community members mystified as the what was next happening. Community members were taking photo's and  video of the helicopter as the members of the community that I had spoken too, had not experienced this in their life, living in the area for four years.

A young Patrick was heading towards Mount Druitt shops, before this happened and then turned around and walked with myself to William Mason Reserve, North Mount Druitt. He wanted to see  was happening.

The escorted Police Car
Within half an hour the Paramedic escorted by the Mount Druitt police car ended back at William Mason Reserve, North Mount Druitt, to return to the helicopter, without any patients. 

Straight away I could hear people around wondering if there was a life threatening incident at Westfield Mount Druitt, there is no place for any helicopter to land, like a helipad. If there was one, then any casualty can quickly be flown to the nearest medically equip hospital: Blacktown, Nepean, Westmead and even Mount Druitt Hospitals.

In the modern world of  town planning, I do request (on behalf of the majority of North Mount Druitt and Mount Druitt community), request Blacktown City Council Councillor,Officers with NSW Health an the Management of Westfield Mount Druitt to seriously consider providing a helipad within the shopping hub, so that if the NSW Ambulance helicopter required in future, there is an area provided to allow for a helipad to be constructed. This could mean removing car park spots and making way or with proper official engineers  inspections and recommendations, a helipad is constructed on top of Westfield Mount Druitt.

A NSW Police spokesperson advised, 'There was no place in Westfield Mount Druitt to land the helicopter as all there is, is car park and car park.'

There no need to lay blame for the helipad not being provided to the Mount Druitt shopping area. We all have to work together, as a community for the complete health and safety of the area. Providing infrastructure that may prolong life is a extremely strong tick in my books!

We will provide you with further response, once we here from any stake holders.

Google Maps: Showing No Helipad Westfield Mount Druitt

Click here for the video on helicopter taking off

This should be a hot topic in Blacktown City Council's next meeting on 3rd December 2014!

Monday, 24 November 2014

Send Your Christmas Lights Decorative Houses To Us From All Around Mount Druitt Suburbs!

This is a chance to send all photo's of houses with beautifully decorated Christmas Lights to our email and we will help you show the world. If not, let us know the best streets in Mount Druitt and surrounding suburbs to and see and we will publish these streets on our blogspot.

What we will then do is refer all pictures to the Mayor of Blacktown City Council, so that he can decide the best ones.

Here are a few examples of a couple houses in North Mount Druitt:

Here It Is: The Lit Up Mount Druitt Town Square Christmas Tree!

Wow! Well done to the Mayor of Blacktown City Council, Mr. Stephen Bali and his staff for providing Mount Druitt and all its community people a tall lit up Christmas Tree, in Mount Druitt Town Square.

We all understand how Council treats this as an important festive season for us to enjoy the birth of baby, Lord Jesus, for a majority of Christians around Mount Druitt.

I wasn't aware that we had a Christmas tree in Mount Druitt before and  didn't know we had a Christmas Tree lighting ceremony each year as well. I wonder how many other community members oblivious to the Mount Druitt Christmas tree, like I was before?

Click here for previous blog