Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Councillor Jacqueline Donaldson - Ward 5, Representations To Blacktown City Council General Manager - Luxford Road Overpass Issue!

I am proud to announce that Councillor Jacqueline Donaldson, Ward 5, Blacktown City Council has made representation on my behalf to  advocate for improvements in infrastructure, with the Luxford Road overpass reaching Gasmatta Crescent, Whalan.

Click here for previous blog

I received a letter from the General Manager of Blacktown City Council as a response to a community outcry to  upgrade the area.

The response is 2 out of  3 wins for the community and 1 more to go:

1. Bus Stop and Pedestrian Crossing

The suggestion  that a pedestrian be provided near the intersection of Gasmata Crescent and Luxford Road, Whalan cannot be considered, as Australian Standards restricts pedestrian crossings along roads with 2  or more marked lanes. Furthermore, due to traffic conditions, the provision of a  pedestrian crossing at this location may in fact be dangerous.

Recent investigations have revealed that the bus stop in question is located about 70 metres from the underpass. Commuters are therefor encouraged to continue to use the  underpass to access bus services.

2. Slippery Steps

Council's Waste Urban Animal & Emergency  Services (WUAES) have commenced cleaning of the stairs which is scheduled for completion by  4th April 2014.

3. Drainage Issues

Instructions have been issued to clean the build-up of debris near and  in the drain pits. These works are scheduled for completion within two weeks.

I am so excited that we have had a wonderful response from a Councilor of Blacktown City Council as well as immediate positive effect of the new General Manager of Blacktown City Council. It takes people to make changes happen for the better.

My overdue issues are now the blocking to the immediate removal of the bus stop to the top of Gasmata Crescent and Luxford Road, Whalan ( where it was before) - removal of the underpass has not been committed too by Council, as well as leveling of footpaths to match the road ( and fill in). The  overpass was used by commuters to reach Whalan Shops via the walkway that has now been closed off, possibly by the NSW Department of Housing.

At the top of Gasmata Crescent and  Luxford Roads - a traffic light with pedestrian crossings be installed as I am pretty sure there are more than 30,00 cars passing the  intersection per day. This would not make it dangerous as it will assist commuters having the bus stop on the top of the street, providing them protection to commuters crossing the road. The Overpasses are ancient history and  are an anti-social distraction to the community! We need to have modern planning in current communities not leave current current communities behind, without planning planning measures to ensure this is adopted as an improvement community ( let's not go behind the times) and towards to the  Blacktown Local Environment Plan of 2013, before it gets signed off  by NSW Government.

Local  Governments are great to assist communities with new infrastructure, but because of unreal reasons, it is hard to modernise an old community for the council.

Great to see all the cleaning is done after long times- it seems that the action taken now is a much delayed action. We will need to see how often Council will review, audit  to clean drains, steps etc: once a week, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or one a financial year?

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