Tuesday, 2 February 2016

New Meacher Street Sign And Warning Sign Required!

Time and time again, we are constantly seeing the destruction via graffiti of road signs and street signs that need instant removal and replacement of. Defacing these is a criminal offense, from what I believe!

I'm not to sure if NSW Roads and Maritime Services does regular checks in our area as this is been like this for a few weeks. This is at the corner of Notley and Meacher Streets, Mount Druitt, we hope stake holders can attend to this immediately and make it a better place:

 Maybe, when they place the new signs up the fees/fines for defacing these signs should be added and displayed to the community! Just a thought!

Please if you see signs that need replacing email us with your name, suburb, where the street sign and provide a photo of it. We will then publish it for you and our community to give the great changes we need, making an improved Mount Druitt!

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