Sunday 16 August 2015

Man Made Track Causes Community Member To Fall - Shennan Walkway, North Mount Druitt!

On last Friday morning as I was literally walking to work along Shennan Walkway when as I was reaching the top of the man made short-cut track, leading to Luxford Road. I witnessed a man called  Pablu, fall face down on the concrete walk way.

This is where it happened!
This happened as he tripped and that made him fall face down. I assist him up, yet he seemed quite alright. This could have been life-threatening because if he landed awkwardly he could have rolled onto the road at Luxford Road and then there could be a potentially a fatal accident as a worse result.

Another potential risk could have been that he could have ended up with a broken neck or back bone or even legs. Pablu was lucky as he ended up with minor bruising on his left hand. It was quite a shock to see him fall and it should be a warning to the community that this could happen to you! It is a Work Health and Safety issue that needs to be investigated!

This is a man made short cut track!
We hope that stake holders reading this blog do something about it: either block the top of the man made short cut walkway or create a short cut concrete filled walk way as it is obviuosly seen this is what the community needs!

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