Although, history confirms that the original naming of Blacktown City Council had potential racial connotations against indigenous people, it seems that we as communities and the city has either raised up or moved within this local government area the name Blacktown has been accepted with great respect from the indigenous community and people, as well as the rest of the community.
A few years ago, I had spoken to Blacktown City Councillor, Russ Dickens about this issue and he had given myself strong cause for a change of Council's name. I thought then, the idea was good, had valid points but I know that it would've been difficult to send his message to the wider Blacktown City Council constituents and residents.
Whilst debate can be made on both sides on whether Council is taking on real issues, we must be always prepared and ready for change, yet it should not happen unless it has the entire community right behind it, wholeheartedily.
At this stage I can not find a supporter within the community on face book groups within Mount Druitt and talking to people on the streets from different places around Blacktown local government area. Yet, I do believe that although the vote was taken and decided by all Blacktown City Councillors for a community referendum at the next general Council elections 2016, this could be overturned by a conscious vote or two.
I say this as there is an overall majority o community members that are just quite happy with Blacktown City Council name as it is. Some thoughts are if changed, real estate agents may support this as it could increase the real estate markets in and around Blacktown. 'More money into their pocket'.
The $1M funds that would be spent on the referendum is felt could be better spent on improved community services or infrastructure improvements.
Before, I was sitting on the fence on this issue but I do not believe it should go through even to a referendum. I have been swung by the cases against this change of name, even if it would happen in my life time. Next, there could be a change of name for Mount Druitt? Again, I hope not!
As easy as it sounds, it is not just a formality if the referendum continues and is passed. There is so much to do to change the City Council name: street signs, maps, building names, memorial plaques, google maps,councils website, twitter, face book, logo, letter heads, you tube video's with sister cities and other related video's, business and community website's details with Councils names, hub directory maps, all other State and Federal government elected representatives, departments and bureaucrats will have to be notified.
So I plead and beg that Councillor consciously makes recommendations to review the general election referendum for change of Council name and makes sure that it is cancelled and null and void. I'm only one person in Mount Druitt, yet my voice can seek, carry and influence change of heart to community members and Councillors of our area as each issue is raised.
I would rather a public debate at Bowman Hall and what the interest is!
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