![A local Park our Council spent big Dollars on. Attracts a lot of people including children , It is surrounded by 4 very busy roads and yet no pedestrian crossing on any of the roads. Bus stops either side , heavily used by school children.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/s600x600/1969260_10201877700246430_2053442887_n.jpg)
The above photo and below request is from a community member called Ron - who has provided this photo to myself 24th March 2014. I have held this back until I realised it hasn't been posted on this blogspot. Apologies to Ron!
A local Park our Council spent big Dollars on. Attracts a lot of people including children , It is surrounded by 4 very busy roads and yet no pedestrian crossing on any of the roads. Bus stops either side , heavily used by school children.
For community people that doesn't know where this park is, is The R.A.A.F Memorial Park. We will see if we can get pedestrian crossings to reach the park. from at least 2 out of 4 streets leading into it! The major streets are Carlisle Avenue, Woodstock Road, Belmore Avenue and would you believe Druitt Street.
My proposal would be to have a pedestrian crossing at the entrance to the park on Carlisle Avenue or at the corner of Woodstock Road and Carlisle Avenue the other one could be corner of Bulolo Drive and Belmore Avenue or further down corner of Belmore Avenue and Woodstock Road.
What do you think? We will raise this with Blacktown City Council and get back to you!
For community people that doesn't know where this park is, is The R.A.A.F Memorial Park. We will see if we can get pedestrian crossings to reach the park. from at least 2 out of 4 streets leading into it! The major streets are Carlisle Avenue, Woodstock Road, Belmore Avenue and would you believe Druitt Street.
My proposal would be to have a pedestrian crossing at the entrance to the park on Carlisle Avenue or at the corner of Woodstock Road and Carlisle Avenue the other one could be corner of Bulolo Drive and Belmore Avenue or further down corner of Belmore Avenue and Woodstock Road.
What do you think? We will raise this with Blacktown City Council and get back to you!
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