22 Minutes. If you ever wondered what the Ropes Creek line looked like, this may satisfy your curiosity.
With the benefit of hindsight, after military activity in the area ceased maybe the line could have been viable with the inevitable spread of suburbia.
Click here fo the Ride from Ropes Crossing to Mount Druitt
This blogspot is created to try and get a great atmosphere of what Mount Druitt is all about. Also to provide photographic details of improvements in the area. We encourage all community members to add comments. Stories from community members, thoughts and comments. Send any information you would like, to advertise that you love of Mount Druitt, that is for the common good of all who live or visit the area. Become an author and publish blogs.. Contact e-mail: nsjpas@gmail.com
Monday, 30 September 2019
Steam Trains IN Blacktown - 'whyilovemountdruitt'

How awesome is this photo of an old steam train passing through Blacktown station?
Light steam locomotives ran along the Blacktown to
Richmond line from 1864-1879. The original concept for
this line was actually to have horse-drawn trains, but in
the end the government decided that three steam trains -
named Windsor, Richmond and Sydney - would be the
Friday, 27 September 2019
Go The Mighty GWS Giants For 2019 - 28th September 2019
I have been supporting (as spectator), Greater Western Sydney Giants since their young 2012 days, entry into the AFL competition.
They have now out performed 16 other AFL teams to reach the ultimate prize of a chance of winning the 2019 Grand Final, playing against a strong component Richmond Club.
I would like you all to sing the GWS Club song, once you hear they have won the game at the end of the 4th Quarter.
Click here for the theme song
This is how they got there, this year Click here
Click here for Mayor of Blacktown City Council as a Giant supporter
They have now out performed 16 other AFL teams to reach the ultimate prize of a chance of winning the 2019 Grand Final, playing against a strong component Richmond Club.
I would like you all to sing the GWS Club song, once you hear they have won the game at the end of the 4th Quarter.
Click here for the theme song
This is how they got there, this year Click here
Click here for Mayor of Blacktown City Council as a Giant supporter
NSW Government News - This Week
This week, we have news of more people entering the first home buyers market, more transport for Regional NSW, Sydney Fish Market $750M upgrade and purpose built prison to open under expansion program.
Have your say?:
Building & Construction Industry Reforms
Consultations ending soon:
Native vegetation regulation map upgrade, NSW Disability Advocacy Review and metropolitan Water Sharing Review
What's on NSW?
Deni the Muster
Click here for details
Click here for my post on NSW Stamp Duties
Pinegrove Memorial Park - How it Was Before? - 'Mount Druitt Historical Society Inc' Face Book Page
Pinegrove Looks so much different to day?
Mount Druitt Historical Society Inc added 3 new photos to the album: Pinegrove Memorial Park.
Established in 1962 and possessing 175 acres of serene gardens, lawns and landscaping, Pinegrove Memorial Park is one of the largest, independently owned cemeteries in the Sydney region.
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Stamp Duty Could Be Lowered For Local Australian Born Property Buyers
I know, this is a 'what cheeses me off' post. Yet, as far as I am concerned , we are an over taxed country. I mean, just about everything we see is taxed and then there is the things we don't see, which is taxed as well.
I understand that purchasing property is exempt from GST ( Government Sales Tax) and I under stand that only half of your profit is the taxable GST, proportion. Yet I don't understand how people from certain country overseas only wanting to invest,when it is the profitable time and then run away with our money on invest property.
We, as workers pay income tax on income. Then we pay 10 percent tax on Goods and Services on a majority of life's expenses. That, to me is a double tax for workers. Then, if we don't have medical insurance we pay the Medicare Levy and if we are on a high income we are paying a Medicare surcharge. This means workers are then taxed three times and possibly four times.
Then we pay a deposit for a property investment and if you purchase property for an average price of around $650,000, your are paying another Tax under the name of 'Stamp Duty' of around $24,470 for NSW. Then when you sell your investment property, you have to pay Capital Gains Tax on 50% of the profit you make on the property. So, then if you are a multiple property investor, you may also have to pay another Tax under the name of Land Tax. Thus you are now paying 3 types of tax here and then the 4 different types of tax mentioned before.
Now, we haven't mentioned to the other tax that you have to pay as well, when you purchase properties and that is Local Government Rates. So now, we as local people may have to pay 8 different types of taxes - when GST was brought in - it was supposed to have got rid of a majority of taxes. So, doe foreign investors pay for the 8 taxes that we may do - if purchasing properties. I'm sure vthey are not.
I'm not against investment. Yet, I'm against investmen,t if we as individuals and country are allowed to investment the same proportion of money inthe country that is investing here. That is if they spend $650.000 purchasing a property here - we pay the equivalent in their country - whether it be one or more properties. then, you raise the stamp and GST amounts to double the amounts, so when they do buy property here, more Australians may benefit from it and our taxes may be reduced. Also, when the Capital Gains Tax component is calculated they are charged double on the amount and also on the 100% of profit balance made. This is a fairer system. We should not be paying Stamp Duty at all or they should be lowered to a minimum.
In the mean time, strict rules on who is Australian and who can qualify. Maybe have to be Australian for at least 25 years or originality is Australian born. The reason I am saving this, is I do not want our country to be owned by another country - I am worried about this.
Have a look at this story and you must understand or see what I mean.
My Pride With 'whyilovemountdruitt - Face Book Page.....
John Svoboda
2 Polls I have conducted today are bringing in great results for our Face Book Page. Here they are:
1) Important for everyone to respond: What kind of post do you like on 'whyilovemountdruitt' Face Book Page? Add Option and indicate what type of one do you chose, please?
Results so far:
Community Improvements Required 3
Blacktown CC - Media Releases 3
Community Outreach/Resources 3
Local Business Advertising 1
2) How would you rate 'whyilovemountdruitt' Face Book Page - 1 being lowest and 5 highest?
Rating of 5 - 7
None for the rest
My pride with 'whyilovemountdruitt' Face Book Page:
My prides increases with all of you ( please read long post):
Wow! We as a Face Book Page have reached a never to be seen community Face Book Record for 'whyilovemountdruitt' at a record 332 members.This is astonishing as I started this Face Book Page with 1 Admin and maybe a 12 members at the beginning. This Face Book Page was never set u to be a political page, local incident crime page or alert page. It was set up to be a small voice of people to report community improvement coming to the area or simply a hole in the ground to be fixed.
My community involvement as a Leader of a community group that got returned 2 out 3 bus services, that were originally removed from Mount Druitt area. I do not take credit for that but for the original people that spoke to neighbors, local, State & Federal politicians, friends and families. This eventually lead myself to commence both website and Face Book Page of 'whyilovemountdruitt'. I hear people talking about it. I hope in as a much as common ground of talking about it. I love when I see comments on Face Book, where someone never knew what was happening and thought that because of the area was not being looked after in some area - when it can be done and 'Stake Holders' Listen. I was proud when I was ask by Blacktown City Council Media to be part of a Local Media ( Social Media) that posts 'Blacktown City Council - Media Releases'. I don't consider myself a qualified 'Media Spokesperson' but I think in 'Social Media' I am like all of you!
Mount Druitt is a pivotal part of Western Sydney, when people do work and people go else to work hard: paying rent or mortgages. Properties are still on the lower end of the property market but are still respectable. Young people can save hard to purchase properties and young people do want to complete not only their secondary but their tertiary qualifications as well. Why I love Mount Druitt because it is 'The People' past and present that make Mount Druitt a wonderful place to live in. I know that with the 332 members we have( and as it grows) - the word gets around.
I would like to now ask you all to comment on the content of the posts that are in 'whyilovemountdruitt' Face Book Page and ask what contents you would like. Something that we can share in good context.
Even 'The Mayor is A Giant' - GWS Giant - 'Blacktown City Council Twitter

They Say, 'We Are A Lucky Country' - Are Our Farmers Today? - 'whyilovemountdruitt' Face Book Page Member
Whilst I try not to steer away from Mount Druitt, when it comes to publishing posts ( in conversation), sometimes, we have to talk about our own real country regions. In our current hot drought season, there is a post provided by one of our members, that I would like to share from Tracey Grimm.
"The poem that's gone viral after NSW farmer Joanna Collett posted it on the Prime Minister's facebook page:
G’day Mr Morrison, I trust that you are fine,
Sorry to be bothering you, but there’s something on my mind
I listened to a bloke last week; he had a bit to say
You lot may have heard of him? He delivers all that hay?
Sorry to be bothering you, but there’s something on my mind
I listened to a bloke last week; he had a bit to say
You lot may have heard of him? He delivers all that hay?
He spoke of countless hours and the distances they drive
Feeding starving stock, to keep bush hopes alive
They do not get assistance from your tax funded hat
They do it on their own, all off their own bat
Feeding starving stock, to keep bush hopes alive
They do not get assistance from your tax funded hat
They do it on their own, all off their own bat
I’m not politically minded and I don’t have any clout
And I know you’ve done a tour, to learn about the drought
But there’s just some burning questions, that have left us feeling beat
Why did we fund a foreign land, to learn to cut up meat?
And I know you’ve done a tour, to learn about the drought
But there’s just some burning questions, that have left us feeling beat
Why did we fund a foreign land, to learn to cut up meat?
JAnd what about those soccer boys, who went and got all lost
You pulled out all the bloody stops, plain just showing off
You’ve bigger problems here at home, there’s drought up to our necks
So what does your mob go and do ? Give them big fat cheques!
You pulled out all the bloody stops, plain just showing off
You’ve bigger problems here at home, there’s drought up to our necks
So what does your mob go and do ? Give them big fat cheques!
Don’t they have a government to deal with all this stuff?
Why should it be up to us, what’s with all your fuss?
Should we not be reigning in and look after our own
Have you never heard the phrase “charity starts at home”?
Why should it be up to us, what’s with all your fuss?
Should we not be reigning in and look after our own
Have you never heard the phrase “charity starts at home”?
I realise there’s many things, that need an allocation
And I also can appreciate, complex trade relations
I’m not sure if you realise, but if our stock all die,
There won’t be any trade you see, your deals will all run dry
And I also can appreciate, complex trade relations
I’m not sure if you realise, but if our stock all die,
There won’t be any trade you see, your deals will all run dry
As a rule we’re not a whinging lot, our requests are but a few
Most of us who work the land, are tested, tried and true
We respect that we are guardians, and sustain it for the kids
But I often have to wonder, what future will it bring?
Most of us who work the land, are tested, tried and true
We respect that we are guardians, and sustain it for the kids
But I often have to wonder, what future will it bring?
I guess all that I’m wondering, is “where’s the Aussie aid”?
Wrapped up in a swag of tape, only then to be repaid !
There’s Aussie blokes and chicks out there, putting you to shame
Helping fellow Australians, in their time of pain
Wrapped up in a swag of tape, only then to be repaid !
There’s Aussie blokes and chicks out there, putting you to shame
Helping fellow Australians, in their time of pain
I’m just a simple farmer, grazier, wife and mum
And even though we’re feeding stock, we’re better off than some
I’ve never had to shoot a cow, who could no longer stand
But many have before me, and I pray, I’m not dealt that hand
And even though we’re feeding stock, we’re better off than some
I’ve never had to shoot a cow, who could no longer stand
But many have before me, and I pray, I’m not dealt that hand
So will you take another look; admit that we’re in strife ?
And do more than bloody empathise, before another farmer takes their life ?
I’d like to think you’ll do what’s right and put Australia first
And help your own damn country, before this drought gets any worse
And do more than bloody empathise, before another farmer takes their life ?
I’d like to think you’ll do what’s right and put Australia first
And help your own damn country, before this drought gets any worse
Joanna Collett
Wee Waa NSW
I would like everyone on my Facebook page to copy this and share it
Everyday until something is done
Charity starts at home!"
Everyday until something is done
Charity starts at home!"
Mount Druitt Swimming Pool - Aqua Zumba Promotion
Mount Druitt Swimming Pool - Aqua Zumba Promotion for Saturday 28th September 2019, from Keri - Admin from 'whyilovemountdruitt' :
Click here for details
Click here for previous post
Click here for details
Click here for previous post
Friday, 20 September 2019
Mount Druitt Swimming Pool News - Early Summer Aqua Zumba
Get excited! Aqua Zumba will be returning to the pool as part of the season opening on Saturday 28 September 2019. Entry will be FREE on the day. Come down and join the party.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019
At Hyde Park, Sydney Memorial.....- 'Lester' - 'whyilovemountdruitt' Face Book Page
At the War Memorial in Hyde Park is a wall with all the different towns that people enlisted from in World War 1. Mt Druitt is one of them.
Seniors Card - Do you qualify?
The Seniors card honors yourself as an elderly member of our community and allows you to have discounts on quite a few things, that may help the cost of living go down. This is especially so true, if you are retired, after years and years of work and thus your income is reduced.
if you know of someone that has qualified - then help them out as well. Would like to here from yourselves, even if you are using this card already and how beneficial is it to you, if it is.
Seniors Card Information Click here
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
'Angry Birds' in Westfield Mount Druitt - this week....

No, we are not talking about our group member (Ron's) picture of birds, we are talking about Angry Birds Movie 2:

Shelter NSW - Western Sydney Community Forum
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