Tuesday 3 September 2019

City of Australia? - .Id The Population Experts

Image result for .is the population experts
Imagine that if Australia's population was concentrated into one of our Capital Cities urban areas. What would it be like? How would it feel as well as how would you feel?

Our Western Sydney communities, would that then be the center of Sydney or form part of the Eastern Sydney? It is a great thought we need to keep in mid, as with our future populations expanding our living communities, in generations to come. Will these new Western Sydney communities become more cosmopolitan and be places that  more people want to shop, visit and live? Will there be 100 City Councils within our demographics? Will Mount Druitt be a City Council, in its own right? Will Blacktown be a population of 3 Million people?

Will there be blocks of 100 story buildings from stretching out to far distances? I don't have a crystal ball- who knows how the future will turn but all things does sound interesting. What are your thoughts on this?

The following post looks interesting, I do suggest to read it:
Click here for the City of Sydney details

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