Wednesday 29 November 2017

Lifeline - The Gift Of Hope

"I was so relieved when I spoke to the person at Lifeline I can't express it...they offered me hope." - Trent

This Christmas you can give the gift hope to someone like Trent.

Dear John,

In the moments before Trent called Lifeline, he was scared. He didn't really want to die. He was afraid to hurt himself.

Trent was desperate. He thought that taking his own life was the only option.

This Christmas someone - perhaps someone you know or love - will feel the same way. Today you can be there for them. 

Five years ago, Trent was a fit healthy 19-year old. He was a keen footy player who captained his local team when he headed off for weekend away with his mates expecting to have the best weekend:
"Little did I know that it was going to be one of the worst."
In a freak accident, a soccer cross bar collpased on him, crushing Trent's skull. His family were told the worst - but against all the odds Trent showed remarkable determination and survived.

The road to recovery was tough. Trent had to learn to walk, talk and do the most basic of tasks again. Every step of the way his friends and family were by his side. 
There were many challenges and a few bumps along the way, but up until a few months ago everything was running along smoothly. It was then that Trent and his fiancé separated.
Trent was absolutely devastated but as a young man he thought he just needed to get over it. He told his friends and family that he was OK. But the reality was, he wasn’t:
“I lied to everyone. I said that I was doing well, and I dug myself so deep that I felt like I couldn’t go and then say I’m really struggling. So instead I told my family and friends I was in a good place.”
Thoughts of suicide began to crowd Trent’s brain:
“I was scared to die. I really didn’t want to die. I was afraid to hurt myself.”
At that moment when nothing but darkness and confusion filled Trent’s mind, he made a call to Lifeline.
That call changed his life:
“It was everything. It was non-prejudice, it was understanding. It was not pretending that you knew the answers. The guy on the phone listened and acknowledged everything that I felt … When I got off the phone, I felt an almighty sense of relief and calm come over my body.
This Christmas, someone in deep distress - just like Trent - will call Lifeline on 13 11 14. That is why our need for your support is urgent, as sometimes the only thing that will keep them safe is that they picked up that phone.

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