Sunday, 25 December 2016

Badgerys Creek Given The Green Light By Australian Federal Government

In the last week or two the 'Hot' topic was the official approval to go ahead with 'Green Lights' to proceed with building the Western Sydney International Airport at Badgerys Creek.

There are always tow sides to each  improvement recommend and provided and  we have had our local  politicians against the proposal for their own reason. Whilst they represent their local voting community members, it is true that no one (not even myself) would  like an airport in their 'backyard'  or even  their back 'yard'. Everyone jumps up and down when it is mentioned, they the debates occur; the ones for and the ones against.

 I'm not too sure  why local Federal Member for Chifley was  'bashed on the head' so to say, by the Daily Telegraph for opposing the Western  Sydney Airport.  

Click here for post from the Daily Telegraph

I personally think that my suggestion a few years ago, went wiped off the strategy board. That was to  place the  2nd Sydney Airport at Goulburn. There are a few simple reasons why there has been a recent push for a  2nd Sydney International Airport: No room at  Sydney's Kings-Smith International Airport, there is a  major growth of population, growth of international flights and to cope with transporting of people of flights for making it easier in the future.

So cases for having it in Western Sydney: there is room, land and there great potential to make it easier for people to reach a local airport and catch flights overseas and there is the job creation of approximately 60,000 kos for Western Sydney and then the job that come from that.

The cases against having it: a majority of community people do not want it in their local backyard, the noise and disruption to life on flight paths, potential pollution  Health and Safety issue in Warragamba Dam vicinity,  loss of natural plants and animals, where is fuel dropped by planes to lighten weight and the cost to make it. Not to mention continuous 24 hour airport with flight paths around important areas of Western Sydney.

So I don't know why Hon. Ed Husic, Federal Member for Chifley, was pointed out as the one his community doesn't back him, when you speak to half a dozen or less of his constituents. I think what has happened is after all the  years of talking about it, proceeding with environmental studies, there is a perception that the community will have to accept it and maybe the trend of support towards for the airport is shifting a little bit.

I was a bit shocked when the news was announced a few years ago that Western Sydney  was where the 2nd Sydney proposed airport was going to be. My thoughts were to have it in Goulburn not just to have it away from Sydney as it is pretty much halfway point to Canberra and Sydney and once proper infrastructure was set  there easier access to 2 main destinations.

Now it is officially confirmed that Badgerys Creek is the 2nd Sydney International Airport, we as a community  and public, have no choice  but accepting it. To add to this decision, I feel that lately we have been seeing more planes fly past creating new flight paths heading North West and some planes flying low. When I came to Mount Druitt, over26 years ago, there were few and far between planes, also high up, you couldn't even see them. Now not only can you hear them, you can see them - one commercial flight looked like it was flying so low was, it seemed it was preparing to land at Richmond Airport. 

So, now the Federal Government have given the green light for the 2nd Sydney International Airport at Badgerys Creek, is beyond not wanting the airport now, unless a newly elected Federal Government comes into place. What do you think.

Click here for Sydney Morning Heralds report

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