Wednesday 3 August 2016

Parklights Could Be An 'Eye Sore' And Make Eyes Really Sore Next Door to Park/Reserves Within Mount Druitt - 'whyilovemountdruitt Face Book Group'

 A great idea from one of our new members of 'whyilovemountdruitt Face Book Page', with a great idea in  park Lights/Reserves, supplied with appropriate lamp fitting, so that stops excessive glare on beside  housing properties.

Click here for previous post

Here is Shaunna's idea:

Shaunna Wilson If my bedroom faced the park I wouldn't want bright light. Not much thought is given to appropriate lamp fittings and placement to stop excessive glare from entering private lands adjacent to roads or park lands unless in exceptional cases a resident pursues it and requests a light change. Facing away from the homes, when building new paths and poles in parks, and use what's called an Aeroscreen luminaire, fully cutoff style, so that sideways glare is reduced. In this case, use Aeroscreen luminaires and on the side of luminaire closer to homes have a deflector to further reduce light entering the private property. Lower posts are appropriate in some locations but in our surrounds vandalism is an ever present risk which makes them at times inappropriate. Council is the decision making authority for placement, modification or relocation of street and park area lamps. Endeavour Energy provides the service to council and bills them for running costs and any costs for new fittings or changed fittings. Eg; replacing an old exposed Mercury vapour lamp shade with a fully cutoff Aeroscreen with CFL or LED inside. An example, note the metal surrounds the globe, and glass is clear and flat so side-way glare reduced.

From this post, we will seek feed back from  Blacktown City Councillors/ Officers on whether this can be done, is being done  and seeking the best most improved way of  reducing or eliminating light shining at neighbouring houses.


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