Friday, 29 January 2016

Mount Druitt Historical Society First Meeting 1st February 2016 - Face Book Group

The Mount Druitt historical researches the local history of our area. They need local people to support them. So if you wish to join up - turn up and see what great in put you can provide them and assist them with their research of history of Mount Druitt.
 Mount Druitt Historical Society Inc
Good evening we hope that you all had a great Christmas and New Year. The society are holding their first general meeting for 2016 on Monday 1 February at 10am to 12.30pm. Visitors are most welcome. We meet at "The Manse", 23 The Avenue, Mount Druitt. For those of you wishing to attend we are located on the Western Highway side of the railway lines.
Our two projects we are currently working on, "The Convicts of Blacktown" and the "Mount Druitt Education Kit", is increasing in size. To-date we have 720 convicts and have been working with families that have ties to our area. If you do have a convict or family connection to our area we would love to hear from you.

Click here for Mount Druitt Historical Society website 

Shalvey PCYC Free Food Shop Back In Operation 3rd Febuary 2016

Image result for PCYC
Yes you might have remembered that last year there was food give away s it is back on again this year:

The free food shop will be back at Shalvey PCYC this coming Wednesday 3rd February
Tickets will be given out from 11am.
1 ticket per family and please bring your own bags
We look forward to seeing everyone and catching up

Click here for Mount Druitt PCYC website and address

Click on previous blog 

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement Group Meeting Dates This Year 2016

I have been advised by Lester Pasley, secretary of the Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement Group Inc. of the meeting dates for the group this year. If you are interest to support your community, please drop in and attend one of their meetings and understand what is happening in your local community in relation to public transport:

These are the meeting dates in 2016 for the Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement Group.

January 30
February 27
March 19 (moved one week early to avoid Easter)
April 30
May 28
June 25
July 30
August 27
September 24
October 29
November 26
December 3 (Social gathering - date & location to be confirmed)

Meeting times are from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm in our usual location, West Tradies.

Hope to see you there.

Yours sincerely

Lester Pasley

Public Speaking Course "Speechcraft" - Toastmasters Rooty Hill - 2770 Community Page Book Group

So on 2770 Community Page Face Book Group there was advertisement for Public Speaking Course available to the community. As I kept on reading it was at a club that I was guest speak at Toastmasters , Rooty Hill on or around 18th September 2012.

After I seeked permission to advertise their course on this blogspot, Dili remembered I was a guest speaker  talking about 'Public Transport'. It is amazing  how local people remember other local people after they have seen them for a while. It shows what sort of an impact people can leave within the community.

Now, anyone interested in public speaking, getting rid of nerves, thinking of running as a local, state or federal member of  government or just simply want to join a local community group for friendship, build up your own confidence within your community, this can be a great way of getting yourself known and out into the community. I support this advertisement 100% and encourage people to take this on!

Click here for previous blog as a guest speaker  or check below the advertisement for the actual post itself published on Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement Inc. blogspot published 18th September 2012.

 Here is the advertisement:
Dili Fonseka
Public speaking course - 8 weeks
$160Dharruk, New South Wales
Are you afraid to speak in front of a group? Speechcraft course is specially tailored to help beginners build their confidence in speaking in front of a group. Only few days left for booking! Course starts next week Wednesday. See flyer for details. Contact me if you would like more information.

They meet on the first  and third Monday of each month and invite anyone to the community members who would like to attend any meetings. Dili has advise that interested participants are encouraged to visit the club and decide if the environment and culture would be good fit for them. Of course we hope they would join Rooty Hill Toastmasters.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Australia Day -Blacktown City Council - Rooty Hill 2016!

Image result for blacktown council logo
Well, the weather did not turn to wet rain, the clouds appeared dark before the night dark sky and the crowds turn up from all communities and suburbs from the area.

As I arrived about 7pm there was plenty of parking on 'Rooty Hill', which ms it makes it easier to enjoy! That was because there were
plenty of traffic officers directing cars to vacant spots to park. From there it was slightly up the hill and polices and security at the entrance. I felt that there was such a great feeling of safety and security with groups of 6 or more of police officers just about everywhere you turned your eyes.

It brought back memories back when there was intoxicated  community members inspiring hatred, racism, throwing small missiles life cans and drinks at others. I have personal experiences at "Rooty Hill" where I feared for my life as well as others until police officers arrived, near when I sat with my wife  and children. Thank God that authorities have made it 'Alcohol free' and have security checking for alcohol and any weapons, at entrances.

Upon reaching our spot, I could see that a lot more people bring old-away chairs and open tents and there was ample room for groups to choose  sitting spots. There seem to be a dramatic uplift in amusements for children and some grown ups as there was dodgem cars, spinning cars for infants, base ball hit outs, jumping castles, huge slides, SWR FM, food stalls, show bags and many other attractions.

Councillor Jacqueline Donaldson
I caught up with with  Deputy Mayor, Councillor Jacqueline Donaldson (Ward 5) and said a quick 'Hello' to Mayor, Councillor Stephen Bali (Ward 4).

The music and songs were cheerful as 'The McClymonts' took over the stage, about 8.15pm was the National Anthem. I waited and waited as children were blowing soap bubbles, had light up head gear and other glowing apparatuses.

Last year the fireworks started a bit early a bit before 9pm, this year waiting with anticipation the fireworks started 9.05-9.10pm and as it  continued and continued, to hear the children scream with joy, feeling startled, scared as the fireworks exploding, wonderful colorful displays leaving people with smiles on faces and a everlasting feeling of happiness.

I'm sure that the majority of community members enjoyed themselves as the firework display showed that each year is better and better! Well done to all that organised it!

Click here Blacktown City Council Fireworks - Rooty Hill 2016 Part 1

Click here Blacktown City Council Fireworks - Rooty Hill 2016 Part 2 

Click here for last years fireworks 

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

IPART Have Accepted My Submission On Behalf Of The Commuters And Community Of Mount Druitt

22 Jan

to me

Dear John Svoboda

RE: Public Transport Fares in Sydney and Surrounds

Our reference: W16/246

Thank you for your recent submission which will be of assistance to the Tribunal in its consideration of this inquiry.

Submissions will be made available for public inspection after submissions are due (subject to any limitations of commercial confidentiality) and will be available on our website (

Yours sincerely


Editors Notes: This is where I say that  the rest of the community responds to IPART with their submission, comments or suggestions. Maybe Blacktown City Council Transport  Officers could provide a response  as part of their Integrated Transport Plan,  all Councillors, all State members and Federal Politicians and other community advocates!

Click here for previous post 

Monday, 25 January 2016

Remember With Australia Day Fireworks At Rooty Hill - Check For Wet Weather Cancellation!

So as we remind community members each year, that when there is  wet weather due on the day of Australia Day Fireworks celebration at Rooty Hill,  we do have to check in case the fireworks are cancelled (like a few years ago).

We all are sad when the fireworks are cancelled as we know each year, Blacktown City Council places such a great effort in ensuring that the night display is better and better and the entertainment:

Embedded image permalink

As thousands and thousand make their way up the hill by car or  even on foot, it is well worth the effort as this is a one time event of the year that we all love to come to see and experience!

So contact Blacktown  to find out if it is on:
  • Twitter: @blacktowncc
  • Phone: (02) 98396000
  • Face Book Group:

Our Australia Ambassador on the day is: Kumud Merani
She is the Producer of SBS Radio and we are glad to have her as our Embassador.

check here for last years blog 

Former Blacktown City Councillor and Deputy Mayor With Simple Community Suggestion - From Why I Love Mount Druitt - Google Plus

Image result for google plus logoIn this wonderful community we live in suggestions for community improvements, don't just come from community members and 'thinking stakeholders'. No matter how big or small the suggested improvement is, the bigger chance our community  is in improved.

What makes it impressive is great comments and feed back from former politicians. Yes, that is right! Politician that lost elections or retire and live in the area do come up with suggestions. Would you believe it?

While I have posted all blog posts on Google Plus (Google +), promoting improvements around Mount Druitt, spreading our word of good will, reporting what physical aspects of our community need to be fixed up and  also political comments on  political issues,  a comment came from former Councillor of Blacktown City Council from ward 3, Kathie Collins, which I would like to share with you:

Well said, John.  It is important that those who care take action to clean-up.  Others will follow.  One good idea would be for residents to pick up any litter around their home when they put the garbage out.  I dream of what a difference even that small action would make.  Many residents go for daily walks.  Collection of rubbish in one plastic bag would make a difference as well as being able to get your walk in.  The list goes on.  The bigger issues need to be dealt with by Council, Housing NSW etc.etc

Editors Notes: And that was in response to  "WILMD" introduction in Google +:

Click here for "WILMD" Google + introduction

So what a simple suggestion to do! When you go for your next walk, will you pick up rubbish along your way?

If people around the community see you pick rubbish, they will follow you and the word spreads!

Friday, 22 January 2016

Mount Druitt Standard - Mount Druitt Storm/ Accessible Buses Artciles!

It is that is not many times that I get mentioned in the local papers on 2 different articles. Page 2 and 3 of the Mount Druitt - St Marys Standard have 2 articles where I have been quoted on local events and issues. Although one of them is my passion to have more accessible buses compared to other bus regions the other was  overall instant shock and response to what has happening around the community in a short period  of time in relation to recent storm.

Anything thing that is required  by the local press for myself to respond, reply and quote, is not to promote myself but to promote and benefit Mount Druitt, for its needed services and infrastructure. Mount Druitt is in my heart and I am sure I am like many people in our area - ambassadors of our local community as well as a true advocate for our area.

Click here for previous post on accessible buses ratio

Click here for previous post on Mount Druitt Storm 

This Is The Time Is To Provide Your Feed Back To IPART Proposal For Fares Increases By 6th February 2016!

IPART is the NSW Independent Pricing And Regulatory Pricing Tribunal - which will determine  public transport fares increases set for 1st July 2016. The time is now for providing your 'Having your say', towards public transport price rises.

It seems IPART is not happy with the current way Opal fares are set (and I'm sure that they were involved in original fares approval before Opal had initially introduced the fares that we are now paying). They want to streamline the way fares are charged offer discounts and raise other fares by at least 20%.

As suggested to today, by State Member for Mount Druitt, Councillor Edmond Atalla, that Mount Druitt commuters may be seeking rise of fares from 23% to 48%, where pensioners will be from $2.50 per day to $9.00. 

Click here for the actual submission 

Click here for IPART's suggestions on public transport prices video

Here is my summary of  IPART's video, their proposal is:
  • charging costs on a Straight line destination as opposed to traveling on actual different modes of public transports trip destinations.
  • Instead of unlimited trips after 8 journey as per now, charges on the 10 longest trips per week and then free unlimited multiple trips and caped from $60 per week to $65 per week
  • All cap on weekends is currently $2.50 to increase to $7.20 for Adult, $5.40 for Concession and $3.50 for Child.
 From the submission itself:

  • Off Peak discount 30%-40% discount 
  • Paper tickets 40% more then Opal tickets
  • Gold Opal Cap by 1/7/2018 $4.00
  • In 2016-17 cost increases of single mode travelers  cost increase of more than 20%

So my review of the submission is leave the Opal Card ticketing system as it is for price charging in relation to capping. I also think that IPART should be released on the year of election year (every 4 years)- keeping politicians alert!

Pensioners and Gold card pricing as it stands, fares can rise as per below inflation rates and that is it! If providing discounts, provide discounts across the board, so that all commuters gain an advantage. Off Peak discounts could be lowered and then this surplus of discounts off and spread across other commuters prices  This would result to commuters using and enjoying traveling on public transport, if  fares are discounted across the board. Do not disadvantage any commuter whether they are single journey or long distance commuters! 

If IPART wants to set price charges on a direct line destination charge - that will be good for all commuter in Mount Druitt as that will place Mount Druitt distance to 20 kms or under - lower price band. As we are being charged the higher band as previous blo click here.

Increasing the current capping of current weekend charges to substantial weekend charges, does not promote families to get public transport on weekends as the video explained, in Mount Druitt it would be a discourage commuters to use public transport on weekends. 

Public transport services on weekends do not compliment these price  proposed price hikes within Mount Druitt, with limited proper early morning services.  IPART is comparing  proposed weekend caps to weekday caps and  present a glossy picture, when it isn't. I do think as a strong public transport Community advocate for Mount Druitt this will hit commuters in the pockets. We don't have enough early bus services on Sunday mornings to cater for our commuters!

My strongest objection here is that the former NSW Minister for Transport , Gladys Berejiklian, promoted and got the electronic Opal card into onto Sydney public transport network. So far it has generally been a great success and the promotion on enticing commuters that use 8 trips or more 'and the rest is free' is a much better avenue on enticing non-public transport users to use public transport.

Charging for the most expensive 10 trips during the week is above board for daily workers places further cost on the majority of weekly regular commuters, who rely on public transport to reach on getting to daily destinations. 

The understanding I have of IPART is saying, 'Now OPAL is in, we can change the goal posts in thew ay they operate fare pricing. Fares must be fair not unfair. NSW Transport will gain 2 trips extra per person price and lose the idea of promotion of public transport to non commuters. More cars will be left on the road.

We have to accept fare increases below the predicted inflation rate. That is fine, but when there is substantial cost increases to a majority of commuters who are disadvantaged, then this is ridiculous. Promotion of public transport doesn't mean that you have to change suddenly the way you price public transport and substantially increase public transport prices in certain areas. Especially, after you have introduced and implemented a new electronic ticketing that took time for commuters to get used to, with the current range of ticketing Opal presented, approved  by NSW Transport.

As a strong Mount Druitt community representative, I can tell you that Mount Druitt commuters will be hit hard in the pocket as at least approximately 80% of weekly commuter will be paying higher fares, by charging 2 extra 2 trips per week. Where is the fairness? Weekend commuters being caped at a higher rate, will effect of 100% of weekend commuters, where services do not compliment any weekend price rise with limited early/late night bus services?

We also need to include that we are not up to standard with accessible buses compared to other bus regions click here for blog.

I'm sure both State Members for Mount Druitt, Councillor Edmond Atalla and Londonderry, Prue Car (which  have suburbs in Mount Druitt) will not support this as well!

The IPART proposal as it stands should not go through! 

This will be my feedback on behalf of our community!

So NSW IPART needs feed back by 6th February 2016 so pleas have your say by then.

Click here to have your say 


Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Airship Over Mount Druitt - Believe It Or Not - 'whyilovemountdruitt facebook group'!

Would you believe there was an Airship above Mount Druitt on the 2nd January 2016? You might know where it is from. You can let us know, if you do. This video clip is care of Ron from Whalan!

Click here for link to our face book group video post

Give us your thoughts on this video or you can join our face book group!

More Accesible Buses In Mount Druitt Required - We Are Behind The Times Compared To Other NSW Bus Regions - Mount Druitt Standard

It was due to a blog that was published last year that the Mount Druitt Standard wanted to raise this issue of accessible buses  in our area, we didn't realise that that from other NSW Bus Regions, we are behind the times.

Lack of wheelchair accessible buses leaves Mt Druitt residents suffering

40% of buses in the Mt Druitt area are not wheelchair accessible, leaving commuters stranded.
Disabled commuters and parents with prams in Mt Druitt are being left suffering with 40% of buses in the area without wheelchair accessibility.

This was 20% less than other areas in Sydney, which had more than 80% of their bus fleets wheelchair accessible.

Bus regions 6, 7, and 8 which cover areas of the Inner West such as Leichhardt and Drummoyne and areas surrounding North Sydney including Chatswood, Manly and Mosman had more than 86% of their fleet wheelchair accessible.

Mt Druitt Commuters Improvement Group spokesman John Svoboda said lack of accessible transport was becoming an increasing problem.

“I’m hearing and seeing time and time again, that in peak time there are issues with pram and wheelchair commuters having not accessible buses arrive at bus stands.”

“We have great bus services here but we are a growing population with lots of families and elderly need to make sure we have the right services.”

“I think we need more accessible buses especially in peak times, especially when you compare this to other areas we are way behind the times.” Mr Svoboda said.

A spokesperson for Transport for NSW said they were working to improve the Mt Druitt fleet. “In the past 12 months eight brand new, low-floor, wheelchair accessible buses have been added to this fleet.”

“Transport for NSW also funds an ongoing bus replacement program across all contracted operators to replace non-wheelchair accessible buses with new low-floor accessible vehicles when older buses reach their maximum age.”

“Additionally, all new buses purchased by contracted operators are required to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act and include air conditioning and wheelchair access.” The spokesperson said.

Accessible services throughout the state will increase to 90% by 2017 and 100% by 2022, in the meantime Transport NSW encouraged residents to ring the bus depot prior to travel to ensure a wheelchair accessible bus was operating.

Click here for previous blog 

Click here for original blog 19/12/15