Sunday 11 January 2015

New Issue With Traffic Lights Phase Walkway, Luxford Road, North Mount Druitt!

What I haven't picked up, with lobbying/advocating for a new 'Phase Walkway' on the Eastern side of Luxford Road, North Mount Druitt, it now going to startle some of the stake holders, always  looking at future improvements and wondering how past decisions could have been made better.

As we look at changing he physical environment of the Mount Druitt and greater Mount Druitt community, we are not looking for  blame or shame, we are looking at improvements that change the community to be safer, healthier and a more beautiful place to live, work and visit.

                           So what is it? 

On the western part of the traffic light 'Phase Walkway' the northern side ends up halfway on a residential block of units complex driveway and the other half is leads towards the public footpath. This may present a health and safety issue if a car is leaving the residential complex, they may not realise pedestrians legally crossing the road and this poses a certain risk with a potential accident leading to injury or fatality.

See where the Phase Walkway ends!
I think I know what some of the people that make important decisions for us, will say, 'Leave it the way it is - it has been like this for years and it was passed with different laws then!'

I have been to  many City of Sydney Councils walking across traffic light phase walkways and have never seen one end up entirely or even halfway on a residential driveway. Maybe, while NSW Roads and Maritime Services is reconsidering the possible Eastern Phase Walkway improvement, 'Kill two with one stone', fix up both Phase Walkways at the same time.

I'm amazed as to how these two issues have been catered for properly for many years! We will wait to hear from Council on this required improvement for the Mount Druitt community.

Click here for previous Phase Walkway story 

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