Wednesday 24 January 2018

Australia Day Doersn't Change - Australian Centuries Ago - We Were The Forgotten Land....

I normally look and discuss issues that face our local community - but when it come to  Australian issues that seem to be 'A No Brainer' , sometimes Australian Politicians have no  better things to do but look at splitting the nation.

As a an active  local advocate withun Mount Druitt, I want my voice to be heard on behalf of a majority of Moun Druitt and surrounding people.

Here is a 'waste  of a tome issue' that is being talked about by National Greens Leader Rochard Di Natale, as per  details obtained via Google:

"Greens leader Richard Di Natale has launched a renewed campaign for change and jumped on the figures. "What it does demonstrate is there is a great opportunity to move the nation forward, to choose a day that allows us to celebrate all the things that it means to be Australian," he said.6 days ago"

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So I understand that Aboriginals were upset of invasion day of white colonialism days by the The then United Kingdom Country. So, Aboriginal people were primitave people back in 1770's. They could speak English, they spoke they dialect language and were not completely educated like the Brittish were: having  rifles and weapons and guns from ships. They could not counter attack.  

If we look at the 'Continental Drift' - centuries or thousand of years before  the Indian sub-continent and also Antartica could lay claim to Aborignal people and/or visa -versa - Aboriginal people could lay claim to The Indian sub-continent and Antartoica. So who invaded who?
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We have celebrated Australia Day as a day of Australian Being doiscovered  by the BRittosh in 1770 and then being eventually becoming an independent Nation, under the Commonwealth of Nations. When we celebrate Australia Day, we invite all Australians to celebrate 'Australia Day'  as all Australians from different backgrounds coming together to peacefully and happily remember the day that we  srtated to become a recognised colony and eventually and independent nation. 

Centuries ago, the rest of the world was being attacked and defended - and Australia wasn't even known - we were the forgotten land/

We are a young nation and we always welcome each other. I love the  the Blacktown City Council Fireworks on Australia Day, weather permitting as it is an enjoyable family non-alcoholic day and night. I take my hat off to Mayor Councillor Stephen Bali, Deputy Mayor, Council Tony Bleasedale and all other Blacktown City Council Councillors and Officers for providing this avenetb as the most important event of the day for our Year. Thank you.

 I would also like the Blacktown City Councilllors send a message to the Australian Givernment that we in Mount Druitt, and Blacktown City Council send a meeage  advising we want to 'Keep Australia Day - Australia Day'.

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