Tuesday 8 October 2019

Press Release: No Incinerator for Western Sydney & Comments from 'whyilovemountdruitt' Face Book Page

Cleanaway is planning a WtE (Waste to Energy) Incinerator to be built in Eastern Creek.
Apparently, one dangerous incinerator per suburb is not enough...
The new proposal from Cleanaway is no different to the Next Generation WtE development application which was rejected last year by IPC, after the NSW Planning, NSW EPA, the NSW Health, local councils and the residents voiced their concerns against their proposal.
WTE technology is the dirtiest type of energy production in the world and for every 4 tonnes of rubbish burnt, one tonne of extremely toxic and dangerous fly ash must be buried and left for our future generations to deal with. Not to mention the added air pollution and carcinogens being pumped into our environment daily. The toxins from this technology have been found in our food, lungs, breast milk, placenta, it permeates our food chain and bodies. Incineration of any type is dangerous and not the way forward for our future and doesn’t belong in any country’s waste policy.
WTE technology is only popular because of the Clean Energy financial incentives being offered by the Federal Govt for a non-clean nor green industry and they need to be removed now.
Once again, Western Sydney is the dumping ground and although they say it is only for 500,000 tonnes, which is no less dangerous, this is just the beginning and the strategy they use to get their foot in the door and the proposal approved. Once approved, those limits are increased with frightening regularity.

#EXCLUSIVE: $500 million incinerator planned for western Sydney.
Sydney’s landfill crisis is set to be tackled with an ambitious proposal to convert household waste into enough energy to power 65,000 homes in the city’s western suburbs.
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Sydney’s landfill crisis is set to be tackled with an ambitious proposal to convert household waste into enough energy to power 65,000 homes in the city’s western suburbs.

Ron Vorbach Using the guise of
power to get around all opposition 
really shows how easy it is to 
hoodwink people here and people 
are silly enough to accept it. What 
toxics will be emitted infecting the 
health of all in it`s path let alone the 
stench. 65000 homes of possible 
very sick people that wont even get 
sorry from the government.
  • We are being had Ron.
  • We sure are. a well known fact with the Sydney basin. Sea air pushes everything in it`s path to the mountains and in most cases unable to push what ever over the mountains and thus all builds up giving us our own climate. Thus every thing gets caught and builds up in outer Sydney including pollutants . A wise government would freight these waist items to less populated rural locations and use the energy it creates to power large aircons which would generate water. Thus one area of drought issues resolved .

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