Tuesday, 31 December 2019

29th April 2020 Incinerator Conference At Eastern Creek

There will be a meeting on the 28th, 29th & 30th of April 2020 hosted by the Land and Environment Court at Eastern Creek.  If you work full time, please consider organising a day off work now so you can attend.

Where:     Alpha Hotel Eastern Creek
Address: Cnr Brabham Drive & Peter Brock Drive, Eastern Creek 2766

When:     10am - Wednesday 29th April 2020

The whole of the 29th of April is set aside for objectors submissions.  Priority will be given to those representing large groups or individuals living in close proximity to the Incinerator development.

Plans for the development will be lodge with the Planning Department by the 13th January 2020, and will be available for the public to view online.  Once the plans are online, we will send you the address of where it can be viewed.
All Submissions made at the meeting must be on the new development plans.  We will send you some information in February 2020.

We all must be brave, and stand up for the future of our children.  The recent bush fires have shown us that those running this country do not care about protecting us and our air quality.  Please make a huge effort to be at this meeting to show the Incinerator builder, that we STILL DO NOT WANT AN INCINERATOR, NOT NOW NOT EVER!

Best Regards

Western Sydney Direct Action

More information here

Copyright © 2019 No Incinerator for Western Sydney, All rights reserved.
Mailboxed previously for Submissions

Our mailing address is:
No Incinerator for Western Sydney
Western Sydney
Western Sydney, NSW 2148

Add us to your address book

Friday, 27 December 2019

Busways Update

From Thursday 2 until Wednesday 25 January, 2020 route 734 services will omit stops along Junction  Rd, Schofields between St Albans Rd & Queensbury St.
Buses will divert along Station St, Chester St & St Albans Rd due to roadworks.

Diversion map

Customers can check the Schofields diversion map for missed stop locations and diversion route.

Missed stops

  • Junction Rd after Station St (Stop ID 276218)
  • Junction Rd opp Schofields Public School (Stop ID 276227)

Nearest alternative stops

  • Schofields Primary School, St Albans Rd (Stop ID 2762109)
  • St Albans Rd opp Junction Rd (Stop ID 2762112)

Busways Update

From Friday 3 until Thursday 23 January, 2020, routes 789 and 794 services will miss some stops along The Northern Road, Smith Street & Bringelly Road.
Route 789 buses will divert along The Northern Road and route 794 buses will divert along Fragar Road & Smith Street due to roadworks.

Diversion Maps

Customer can check the following maps for missed stop locations and diversion route:

Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Friday, 20 December 2019

Australia's Population Growth Steady at 1.5% - .Id


Blacktown City Council - Media Release ' Australia Day Awards' - Nominations Close Soon

Nominations are closing soon for Blacktown City Council’s 

Australia Day Awards and Blacktown City Mayor Tony

Bleasdale OAM is urging residents and businesses to

nominate worthy recipients before the January 10 deadline.

“Blacktown City Council is proud to recognise those who 

contribute to our city so it’s really important that members of 

the community let us know about worthy recipients,” Mayor 

Bleasdale said.

“If you have someone you want to nominate for one of 

Council’s Australia Day Awards, or if you feel you deserve a 

nomination, we need to hear from you very soon.”

Blacktown City Council’s Australia Day Citizen of the Year, 

Young Citizen of the Year, Environmental Citizen of the Year 

and Community Event of the Year will be announced by 

Mayor Bleasdale on Australia Day.

The awards recognise Blacktown residents who have 

provided outstanding community service or have attained 

outstanding achievement in education, sport and the arts, or 

a community group that has organised a major event in 

Blacktown City.

The Citizen of the Year Award is open to all ages and the 

Young Citizen of the Year is for people 21 years and under 

as of 26 January 2020.

The Community Event of the Year is open to community 

groups that organised an event in Blacktown City during 


Nominations close Friday, 10 January 2020.

For more information contact Council’s Events and Sister 

Cities team on 9839 6000.

Nomination forms are available from Council’s website:

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Last year’s Young Citizen of the Year, Patrick Gleeson

NSW IPART - Energy Retail Markets


Click here for Monitoring The Energy Retail Markets During 2018-2019

Active Living NSW - Finishes Up 2020

Click here for details

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Sydney Alliance 2019

John, thank you for being along for the journey in 2019.
We hope these images of some of our highlights of the year offer a short distraction from today's heat and ash!

"Get it done!"
 assembly participants call for affordable housing & energy ahead of March NSW Election.
"Arriving... and being applauded! That is monumental for our community"
 Sikh leaders from the Glenwood Gurdwara enter their first Alliance Assembly to cheers and applause.
 "Its a yes".
Don Harwin, NSW Energy Minister joins Politicians of all parties; LIB, LAB, GRN, CDP & IND, in negotiations for a better Sydney.
"This is... not what I expected."Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor summarises his meeting with 5 leaders of Voices For Power about a Community Energy Hub in Western Sydney.
"It's so different, hearing it direct. It made me grateful and empathetic."
9300 Sydneysiders have participated in  ‘Changing the Conversation’ to date; hearing directly from a person seeking refuge or asylum.
1118 of those in 2019. 
"Making this commitment is one of the proudest moments of my life... Thank you to Sydney Alliance for this campaign"
Karl Asfour, Mayor of Canterbury-Bankstown commits to 9 Early Childhood Education places in Bankstown Preschools, to be made available for children of people seeking asylum.

By year's end a total of 15 Childcare Centres & Preschools have joined the program, including private providers and Catholic Early Education. More to do in 2020!
Photo Credit: Danish Ravi.
"It takes organised people to overcome violence.
Muslims in Christchurch, Catholics in Sri Lanka and Jews in La Halle and San Diego, we all bleed red.
We must strive to make Sydney different"
305 Sydneysiders gathered throughout the year for “The Power of Love”.
Building long term, honest and frank relationships across the city’s diversity in the wake of the terrible attacks in 2019.

"Sure, they are dense reading, dull as sawdust. But jeez those submissions makes a difference"
155 Sydneysiders fought, planning jargon and tight timeframes to supporting Affordable Housing in submissions to Local-Strategic-Planning-Statements (LSPS).
30 of 33 of Sydney's local councils were targeted. Hundreds of affordable homes will be made available, thanks to your action this year.
"I will tell my children - do your power analysis in the playground!"
195 Leaders trained in community organising in 2019.
New skills, new power, new leaders ready for action in 2020.
"I felt something had changed within me. I felt like I was a different person.
I had grown, matured, aged in some way and was no longer the boy I was merely 24 hours ago"
Raul sharing his journey as one of 11 graduating interns in 2019.
They join 161 Alumni of the Sydney Alliance Interns program.

"Changing the world starts in our own backyards.
In Plumpton, Turella, Drummoyne, Greenacre, Cronulla and Pymble..."
247 Postcodes in the Sydney Basin. Your postcode needs you!
In 2020 the Alliance is supporting local leaders like you to listen, discern and act in their own postcodes.
If you are keen to be part of "Postcode2020" reply to find out more in the new year!
Or support this work with a donation.

For the common good of Sydney,

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Blacktown City Council - World First Brain And Spinal Unit

Blacktown to be home of world–leading Brain and Spinal Institute.

Click here for video

Learning Ground IN Bidwill In January 2020 - Tregear Community Face Book Page

Come and join us at Learning Ground in term 1 for a 9 week program with artist Shelly Tansley where we will explore the creative process and contribute to FUNPARK end of term exhibition.
Meals provided free of charge and free transport can be arranged upon request in and around the 2770 district.
All enquiries and enrollments via Stephen@cChainReaction.org.au or SMS 0405 105 859

Friday, 29 November 2019

Busways Update - NSW Bus Region 1

From Thursday 5 December to Friday 20 December, Stands 56 and at St Marys Interchange will be temporarily closed to allow for Sydney Metro to conduct drilling works within the interchange.
The following changes will be in place at St Marys Interchange during the closures:
  • Route 771 & 779 will depart from Stand 1
  • Route 759 will depart from Stand 2
  • Route 770, 774, 775 & 776 will depart from stand 9/10

Friday, 15 November 2019

Blacktown City Council - Christ home Lights Competition - Twitter

Retiring from Blacktown City Council Public Transport Forum

This morning, I thought hard about this and I feel that I have to let go of things in life I was passionate about as I  have taken volunteering roles in different areas. Here is my retirement email from the Blacktown City Council Public Tranport Forum 2019:

Good Morning Keiasha,

I understand that I have accepted invitation to the Transport Forum to be held today.

I have been a member of this Forum since 2010 and have attended these important forums, representing communities and report through 'whyilovemountdruitt', 'Save Our Bus Services", "Mount Druitt & Surrounding suburbs" & " Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement Group Inc" Blogspot and Face Book Pages. The reason I did this was we lost 3 bus services in 2009 and retained 2 of them in 2010. I was asked to lead a community group for one bus service but then discovered that there were other services being lost in the area. It seemed that Council had none or little  power to get the buses back as I discovered, they  are pretty much an advisory of public Transport around the area.

I was the founding Chair of both' Save our Buses, Mount Druitt and Surrounding Suburbs and 'Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement Group Inc and held position of secretary - I resigned in 2013 as I was not allowed to write posts on blogspot (without groups permission) on commending Hon. Richard Amery's eervice in State Government as he retired as well as issues with current Chair expecting more than I could do as Secretary.

I attended a Sydney Alliance Meeting in Bowman Hall attended by over 300 people, explaining how we all got  2 bus services back in Mount Druitt. I was pleased that when we got the full 755 bus service back that the front page of the local news paper in 2010 that it wasn't about myself - it was about the people of Mount Druitt getting back services that should not have been taken away. I was told by a former local  Labor Party Branch Member that - Once services are taken away - 'you will never get them back again'. 

It was pleasing to Know that The Then NSW Minister of Transport met with six of our groups representatives as they all had an opportunity to present our case and when the Federal Member of Chifley, Ed Husic invited myself and members of group for a cup of tea/morning tea chat. I could not attend as I had working obligations and when I was informed that The Hon. Member really only wanted to speak with 'me' not the ladies - that was very surprising to me! 

We lobbied hard for a free bus service looping around Mount Druitt with the help of a young Blake Bardowski - approved by Council at a time the NSW Government was removing many Free Bus Shuttle Services from different regions. I nominated Blake for the inaugural Ed Husic's Chifley Awards and  blowing me out  of shape - he won it. I remember his mother was so ecstatic. We were nominated as a  community group in the inaugural Western Sydney
'Zest' Community Awards and Blake also won a prize as an young individual, as well.

I was secretary of Western Sydney Public Transport Users Group, until I resigned and was a strong participant in the NSW Public Transport Review for 2030 and one of two  people that made presentations to the Council's Transport Policy.

I later turned as a community advocate ranging from holes in the ground, streets and eventually traffic light improvements on Luxford Road entrance to Westfield, Mount Druitt - this was a giant step in saving pedestrian lives.

I must Thank Blacktown City Council Media Unit in providing media releases to myself, to inform the community through social media. I think I have the record for Blacktown City Council Australia Day videos on You Tube (each year).

So, I have come to the conclusion that as I am retired and not residing in the Blacktown LGA area ( Yet I still have real interests in the area), I tender my resignation from the Council'd Transport Forum as of toda. I Thank Council's Trasnport Officers and Media Unit for their support. Further Thanks goes to former  Mayor, Stephen Bali, Tiny Beasedale and all current and former Councillors that I have spoken to as well as State members for Mount Druitt, Hon.
Edmond Atalla, Hon Member for Londonderry, Pru Car,= all past and current members of the Mount Druitt Commuters Improvement Group INc and  most importantly to all Members of the Mount Druitt and wider community.

You may wish to keep me posted on all annual events, post each Transport event- Wishing Blacktown City Council a great success as it because a greater City.


John Svoboda,jp

Saturday, 9 November 2019

Blacktown City Council - Media Release - Contest Shines Light On Diwali

9 November 2019

The Sadhu family from the Blacktown suburb of Bungarribee,

has been announced as the winner of Blacktown’s 2019

Diwali Lights Competition for the second year running.

In announcing the winner, Blacktown City Mayor Tony

Bleasdale, OAM, said, “Blacktown is one of the most

culturally diverse cities in Australia and is home to more than

83,000 people of Indian descent.

“This competition is a celebration of light and life and it is

impressive to see the team work and the meaningful 

traditions behind all the light displays.”

The competition was organised by Blacktown City Council in

association with Indian Link Media Group to celebrate the

annual Diwali Festival.

The ancient Hindu festival of Diwali celebrates the victory of

light over darkness, with observers around the world lighting 

lamps and candles in and around homes and temples.

“The competition continues to grow in popularity each year 

and it’s exciting to see so many families celebrating their 

culture and decorating their homes,” Mayor Bleasdale said.

In second place was the Kaukar family from Schofields 

followed by the Upadhyay family from The Ponds in third 

place.  Best Rangoli was awarded to Sarita Kadukar in 


Best Street was won by Ward Street, Schofields, which had 

decorated entries. The Ward Street road sign will now 

proudly display the words; ‘Best Street Diwali lights 

competition 2019’.

Cash prizes were also awarded to the winners, $800 for first 

place, $600 for the runner up and $400 for third place. Each 

ward winner was also awarded $100.

The winning home in Bungarribee, Blacktown.
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Councillor Moninder Singh with the competition winners, the Sadhu family.