Friday 8 September 2017

Request For More Time Tables Buses - 'whyilovemountdruitt' Face Book Group

Our local 'whyilovemountdruitt'  Face Book member, Ron is annoyed that our bus services standards are not to expectations and that  governments focus on private cars and more tolled roads. See his suggestion:
There just is not enough buses and there run frequencies. The cost to the general public is enormous. Some bus runs are 30 to 60 minutes apart and this frequency has a lot to do with private transport needs. Many places around the world, time table frequency is every 10 minutes or less almost 24/7. We have plenty of employable people out of work, some training is happening but still not enough governments should be more focused here then toll road building and saving tax payers money at the same time. Australia pays top dollar for there Politicians but not getting very good value.

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